Black Flesh Chickens?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 26, 2009
I just have a quick question. Is the Silkie the only chicken with black skin,flesh, and bones? Thanks for your help everyone.
Thanks everyone for some reason i thought Jersey black giants where black skinned.
Just looked around so there about the same size in terms of weight. So which one you think would be the best meat bird persay?
Silkies are much smaller than either the Cemani or the Jersey Giants..

If its a tossup between the both - Jersey Giants have been bred to be heavy meat birds. But they don't have black skin, yellow I believe.

Cemanis are incredibly hard to find, but have the incentive of being totally black birds.
Silkies are small (bantams), but are still considered a meat bird in some countries. Jersey Giants are large-fowl chickens and are quite large (my hens average between 7-10 lbs and my roo is already 12 lbs and he is still filling out). However, JGs are slow to mature. On average, a JG will get their height/size the first year, while filling out during the second year (my roo is 9 mos old and he is just now starting to get out of his skinny phase). I love JGs, I think they'd make a great meat long as that is not what you are raising them for (otherwise you'll be waiting a long time!).
My delawares and buckeyes (also dual purpose breeds) filled out much quicker and we were able to process the extra roos at about about 4-5 months old with plenty of meat on them.

However, the none of the above mentioned breeds are black skinned (aside from the silkie, of course), so if you are wanting black skin, then the silkie is probably the way to go (unless the other black-skinned breed mentioned earlier is a decent meat bird as well).

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