Black Jersey Giant thread!!!!!

Make sure u check ur fertility and how often do they go broody cause I'm looking for a breed that lays lots of eggs and goes broody often
I have two hens that went broody just as the weather went cold. I thought I lost two hens, come to find them around midnight hunkered down on a clutch of eggs next to the horse run in sheds. With the winter I collect all my eggs as soon as possible so they don't freeze. So the girls haven't had a chance yet. This group of hens is not even a year old yet and from what I read the breed takes much longer to mature than others so I still have high hopes
I may make an order with West coast Jersey giants. Anyone ever buy from those guys? Plenty steep on price and the half down thing seems weird to me. Dunno maybe it's just me. I want big birds.
I have the sweetest Black Giant whose only 7 months old, but already bigger than both my older chickens. She's an amazing layer.
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250 in a good year. I wouldn't expect that, but good feed and happy chickens does a good wonders. I feed a liquid fat induced ration which normally isn't cost effective, especially when u don't sell eggs or many birds. 200 is prolly more the ball park for general free range.
Yes but I don't care really how much they lay a year compared to what Google says as then that keeps them laying that much longer so it don't bother me much I just want a Breed that lays as many eggs as possible but it has to be a breed that I like

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