Black Lace Wyan-what??

. Here's the mystery chick's mugshot.
For me, typically cockerels will feather out with uneven bare patches--shoulders, back, etc. Pullets rarely do, but I did have two bantam females that, as juveniles, looked quite a bit worse than yours does! I thought they had a skin disease as well because they were so scruffy.
(They turned out to have inherited silkie feathering from Silkie cross parents.) I think your chick is probably a cockerel. GLWs are so pretty!
The headshot looks like a cockerel. He's got pretty large wattles, but the comb isn't what I would expect it to be.

Here's a photo of one of my 3 and a half week old cockerels for comparison:

Sorry, that is a bit of an older picture. Here is one from today, with pullet on left and cockerel on right:

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Here are the latest photos of our little flock of Wyandottes aged 6 weeks today. (BTW, I believe I have been incorrect in calling them "Black Laced Wyandottes" - aren't these correctly called "Gold Laced W--"? ). Five of them are some variation of this:

And the Velociraptor in question earlier in this thread is finally getting feathers - and the black "lacing" has a beautiful DEEP green iridescence. Are we all still thinking he is a cockerel? He's about a head taller and has somewhat stouter legs than the rest. We've named him Tommy after the rascally guy that helped us build our coop and run. So far his personality is still good. Just thought I'd post an update..
Definitely a cockerel. See the sort of red iridescent feathers coming into his saddle? Those are "rooster feathers" and should be thin and pointy.

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