Black Sex-Link Picture Thread!


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
Hey all!

I'm specifically looking for any black sex link chicken photos you've got.

I'm trying to figure out my mystery chick's parentage. Jet was touted as an "Australian Black" by the seller to the tractor supply store in NH when I got her. She was a solid black chick, black polydactyl feet, and 100% adorable and tiny.

Now, she looks like a black sex link- red barring on her, and iridescent green/purple shimmer.

She's extraordinarily soft and appears to be half Silkie due to her black skin and black legs, which would mean her father should have been a black Silkie rooster.
Since she's got red on her, she seems to indicate that her mom would have had red as well.

Someone on CL had RIR x Barred Rock black sex links, 'black stars'. "Their black feathers are iridescent with green and purple shine". So does Jet. The ad also said that they have RIR coloring coming out on their chests; so does Jet.

I'm thinking some guy out in Australia made 249 other (as Jet came as the 250th in an order) sex links and wanted to pass them off as "Australian Blacks", which had never been heard of before, that they're just regular sex-links but softer due to Silkie blood in there somewhere. (Her underside and sides are all silkie-feathered, unlike my other breed hens.)

If I breed her in the future, would you guys recommend a black Silkie rooster (to make more sex link chicks), or what other breed? I'd love to see what her kids would look like and if it would tell what breed definitively 'makes' her. Would she even produce regular breed hens since she's a hybrid???


Let's see all your black sex links!

Let's start off with mine.

You mean my birds?

They are Buff Orpington/Barred Rock crosses instead of the common Rhode Island Red/Barred Rock crosses that hatcheries sell. They have different color genes, so they're colored differently. I love this cross and will be hatching more next year.

That is so impressive. Now I find yet another type that 'I want one' --- or two or three. They are gorgeous, and the pictures are really great. What appealing birds! Ozark Sexlinks are very cool IMO...

Love the pictures!

Thanks zumzumfoxy for starting this thread, I learned something NEW today!
These are some Black sexlinks that I picked up at the local feed store and they are so different in looks. I'm just wondering if they're both sexlinks of if one is something else. My neighbor seems to think that chick 1 is an easter egger that got mixed in with the batch.

Chick 1

Chick 2

chick 2 looks like my black australorps.

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