Black silkie roo x black silkie NN hen =


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2020
I purchased some eggs last year from a pen the should have produced only blue and black silkies. It was true, I only got blue and black silkies. Two were naked neck. (different breeding, same blue/black). I kept a black naked neck hen and a black (full feathered) roo; he has some leakage and a couple pigment holes on his feet. Anyway they hatched their first chick together and it is pure white???? How did this happen??? I was pretty confident that BBS only would produce BBS; and two black silkies (even with leakage) would only produce black silkies.
Regular silkie white is recessive white so it takes a gene from each parent to show.
When someone puts one in the mix it passes one gene to the offspring. They will carry it sight unseen and have a 50% of passing it to any of their offspring.
Therefore it can go sight unseen and unknown for generations.
Both of yours carry one gene and both happened to pass it to that chick so it got two copies and is white.
That makes sense!! I was shocked to see that little white chick. So if I keep it I should get another white silkie and I could start a line of white birds right? Since it is recessive it should always throw white birds if paired with another white bird?
Correct. White Xs White = White.
Paint breeding whites are dominate white so stay away from any whites from a paint breeder.
If you breed that chick to its parent you should get about 50% white offspring.
Same would apply to breeding it to one of its offspring if you breed it to something besides another white.

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