black snake in geese yard , ducks and chickens nearby too


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
like, does it even matter that there’s a black snake hiding under a few things and one corner of my geese’s yard? It’s not a huge one black snakes are pretty common here in small woods Maryland areas. Should I try to catch it and rehome it in the forest? Will it bother my waterfowl or chickens at all?

edit to add - i don’t have any chicks or ducklings or goslings. All my birds are adults. The smallest birds I have are the runner ducks the snake didn’t look very big but I’m sure it will grow.
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They’re good for keeping mice away, and also for giving me a heart attack when I nearly stepped on one that was sunning himself on my front steps :(. I just throw them into the pond or my neighbor’s unused field and hope they’ll stay away for awhile. They don’t bother my chickens as long as the hens can go somewhere else. My waterfowl have never seen a snake so I don’t know how they’ll react.
only problem i have with them is they will eat eggs at a certain size 4 ft or larger thereabouts, and also them getting int the coop after eggs when the hens are laying can unnerve the hens and mess up theyre laying routine ... so my strategy, considering them mostly beneficial, is to leave them alone unless i catch a large one in or around the coop, then i'll destroy it .. best way to get a rat or black snake actually out of a nest box if you catch it in the act is to snag it out with one of those long hand/limb saws, and hack it up ..

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