Black spots on chicken comb

May 10, 2019
Yesterday, I noticed quite a bit of blackness on my roosters comb. I just got around to snapping a picture, and it seems to have cleared up a lot. Any idea of what this is? Just dried blood or something more serious?
Could he be ill or stating to molt? How old is he? Picking on another chicken, especially the rooster can be a sign of sickness. I would give him a thorough check to check if his crop is emptying overnight, if he is walking normally, pooping, if he is mating, look for mites or lice on his skin, and observe how they are interacting. When my rooster is molting he is a bit weak and aloof.
When this happens to our roosters we seperate them until it's over. I think it's some type of virus. But it usually clears up on its own.
Can you give him some Poultry NutriDrench and getting him drinking water? Offer some scrambled bits of egg, tuna, or canned cat food. Can you get any more pictures of him, how he sits or stands? It would help to separate him in a wire dog crate near his food and water.
Is that blood on his feathers, on his shoulder area? You've got some great advice from some of the best folks here. I'm not very knowledgeable but I'd be sure to check him over really well. I know the comb can bleed a lot, so that's probably what's on his feathers, but still would be beneficial to give him a thorough check all over
Could he be ill or stating to molt? How old is he? Picking on another chicken, especially the rooster can be a sign of sickness. I would give him a thorough check to check if his crop is emptying overnight, if he is walking normally, pooping, if he is mating, look for mites or lice on his skin, and observe how they are interacting. When my rooster is molting he is a bit weak and aloof.
Okay thank you

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