Black spots on Comb!


5 Years
Nov 21, 2015
I got this black male rooster, I BROUGHT him up myself , hes like 6 months old, active , crows alot, walks and eats actively. Today i saw his combs back last tip blackened a bit on the top , also the portion of the comb below the mouth has little black spots and when i tried to clean them, it starting bleeding. His poop is fine too and the whole flock is okay too with no symptoms. I need help understanding what is this black stuff on comb , it can be due to cold because its 34 degree centigrade in here . Please anyone having experience with this kind of problem respond .... Thanks
It's very possible that they are simply scabs from insect bites. I would suggest that you search for "dry fowl pox" and compare the photos that you see on the links in the search to what you are seeing.

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