Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

Cooler that a three speed fan!
Neater than a pocket on a shirt.
If you cant run with the big dogs then stay on the porch.
Go do some trading.( going to the grocery store)
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My children never got my expressions.. I am by my fathers admission a "Michigander"... he and all my family were Southern born and raised... in Tennesse....

I am always saying, "Lord have mercy" or "Dad blame it" or Dag Nabbit"... I don't know if it is habit or what... but it is just me... but I do think it is a lot better than some of the other phrases I have heard...
to put something in a bag..."put it in a poke"

*neater than socks on a chicken

*How you feelin? "Fair to Middlin'"

My first MIL used to say " You couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the directions on the heel" and "Don't just stand there with your teeth in your mouth"
Well, I am just about to chew some fat for a bit. I declare!, that woman just darn nare knocked me over with her hissie fit. Well shut my mouth, that there takes the cake!... Well before y'all get yourn selves in a kaniption fit over sumthin I said,,, just gimme sum sugar, and I'll be back directly. In the by and by....

Have you all heard some of those expressions... I love my southern roots... They all love ya no matter what....So easy going... we could take a few lessons up here...
I grew up in Minnesota...married a guy from South mil just about killed me one noon standing at the gas stove frying egg plant in bacon was spattering all over the place and she said, "Lawdy, it's spatrin' like a cow peein' on a flat rock." It took some time to get up off the floor after that one and a whole lot more time to get past the language barrier...

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