Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

My pawpaw always says he "has to go to the pot" when needing to go to the bathroom!

Shopping carts are buggys
Refridgerators are iceboxes or THE fridge
Any type of cola product is COKE
mawmaw always called margarine OLEO
They do escorts down here for funerals, and most folks pull to the side/change lanes... but I've never seen anyone park their car (in traffic), get out and do any kind of salute to a perfect stranger. Maybe in a small town, where you know who's passing but can't attend... but in a big city where you have no idea who the person is... that would just be kinda weird.

OH, speaking of processions... anyone else notice that the whole Headlights On In Daylight thing is no longer a giveaway to a funeral anymore... thanks to all the new cars having Dayglo lights? Last funeral we were at I think only one car in the lot had to actually flip the switch to turn theirs on.
I didn't realize there was any other part of a chicken then
feet or necks until I was in high school.

Now thats Southern!

(Born in Charleston SC then moved over the border into civilization)
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Some older folks call them Calvinators around here.

"Sissy, get me a coke from the Calvinator please ma'am."

Was that a brand??? Never heard that one!
Of course, some words are born out of the fact that some people can't read, so only say what they think they heard....I want you to cork the winder, right next to the chimley.
When I first moved down south from NY 20 years ago, I had some adjusting to do. Call it culture shock! First off, I had to get used to everyone calling me 'Miss. Karen'. I thought that was kinda cute.

One day, not too long after moving to Raleigh I see the strangest sign. I'd never seen anything like it in NY! It said "SLOW DEATH IN FAMILY". I was aghast! Even my jaded NY native sensibilities were shocked.

I mean, at what point do you just give up hope and announce to everyone who passes your house that yes, there was indeed someone with a terminal illness living there and death was imminent??? I thought, "darn, I wonder what it feels like to be the sick person and possibly not realize that you were going to meet your maker in oh, possibly a few days but not realize it?". So you find out about it by looking at the sign in your yard. Or, you tell your loved ones "Well, I think I'm a goner. Put out the sign."

Later I realized what it actually meant.

another - Colder than a well digger's arse.
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