Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

I'm still getting used to that... I'm originially from Seattle, soooooooo....
Around the corner from DD is a sign "SLOW DEAF CHILD"
Why do they have to make fun of the slow deaf child?? Thats just mean.....
Do they make signs that say "Slow ugly fat pig"? No, just pick on the poor deaf kid. Lets let everyone know where the poor kid lives so we can poke fun at him. I want one for my neighbor...."SLOW INBRED HALFWIT"
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i always say bless your heart, but not just when im commenting on something someone did that was stupid..we all wave to each other here too..even if we dont know each other!
i never knew these were regional things until lately.
Here in Missouri, I've heard a few:

"might ought": You might ought go to the store.

"don't care to": If you don't care to, you could pick me up some bread while you're there.

That second one really throws me..."don't care to" apparently stands in for where we Northern folks would say "don't mind". Totally opposite meaning of what it would be up north.
This is how we pronounce cement: see-ment(instead of sa-ment)-you know, like we have a see-ment pond in our backyard(that's what we call it).
Most of the sayings I have heard over the years are not appropriate for "mixed Company". Most truly southern men maybe gentlemen but the ones I know are "rough as a board" and swear like sailors! LOL!

"smack with an ugly stick"
"he fell slap out"
"Wilder than a june bug"

I had a neighbor who used to yell at her grandkids and say "I'll slap the black right off of you" when they'd be rotten. She was GREAT. She also told my DH he was the "blackest white guy" she ever met. I miss her

"rode hard and put up wet" is one of my most favorites.

"hotter than a two dollar pistol"

In the south we drop a lot of syllables. which is how you get the Jeff Foxworthy dictionary. My son is by far the most "southern" of all of us. My sister finds it amusing to tell him to "use his whole mouth" when speaking.

I did have a friend from HS who was always "fixin" to do something. Fixin to get ready took FOREVER! LOL!

And another friend who would "Warsh her head".

Oh and it's "y'all". The contraction of you and all.

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