blind hen laying!


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
I have a hen who ( I think) is blind. She rarely ever leaves the coop and when I place her out in the run, she walks around the fence edge until she finds the door. I wasn't sure why her eye site was bad I didn"t notice any damage anywhere-- She was about 2.5 yrs old when I realized she was struggling. I have food and water in the coop and they have been in the same place for the entire time. I wasn't sure she would make it.. Well, it's been 8 months and she is doing well. Three days this week I found dark brown eggs (she and her sister are French Black Marans) in the nest box AND on the floor of the coop! She is very calm/sweet and gets lots of TLC...

I am so happy.. had to share...
good for you and your hen
As soon as my computer gets fixed.. I will post pictures of her and her eggs..

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