Block swap. We need no more.

I haven't gotten any sewing done yet, this past weekend had 16 Welsh Harlequin ducklings hatch from shipped eggs no less..what is wrong with me
I also have 2 lonely quail in the house about 3 weeks old, and 5 silkies and 5 mutts at 2-1/2 weeks....I need to put the bator away least until these ducks go outside sooner rather than later.
I haven't been able to sew yet, either.
I wanted to bang several out yesterday but woke up with this strange heat all around my eyes and temples. My face has gotten puffier & puffier around my eyes over the course of the last 48 hours & I am miserable. I am (unfortunately) allergic to Benadryl, and so I am off to work looking like a red faced raccoon. Hopefully they will send me home & I can go back to laying in bed with an ice pack on my face. My doctor is the worst, it always takes 3 days to get seen, so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out what is wrong.
(WebMd said I have "Hypercoagulation Gulf War Illness", that sounds a little far fetched to me.)
I received your blocks today. I haven't had time to open them. Maybe I will leave them all sealed until they all come and then open them all at once. So pausmuffen, you are the first winner of.................................. I guess you will have to wait and see when you get it.

Mine were mailed yesterday. I needed to get them done, to much on my plate.
Sorry to hear your sick. I've been sick myself but not my eyes. You would think the doctors office would leave some time for ER's. Let us know how your doing.

I haven't been able to sew yet, either.
I wanted to bang several out yesterday but woke up with this strange heat all around my eyes and temples. My face has gotten puffier & puffier around my eyes over the course of the last 48 hours & I am miserable. I am (unfortunately) allergic to Benadryl, and so I am off to work looking like a red faced raccoon. Hopefully they will send me home & I can go back to laying in bed with an ice pack on my face. My doctor is the worst, it always takes 3 days to get seen, so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out what is wrong.
(WebMd said I have "Hypercoagulation Gulf War Illness", that sounds a little far fetched to me.)
Please don't forget, if you haven't sent me your information I need it. It was so easy matching the name on the envelope with your BYC name.

Would you like me to put a pic up of the blocks I received or wait until I get them all.

We can vote on it Iet my know what you want.

Lunachick, I have your information from back in 2009 so you don't need to send it.
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I am feeling better this evening, and have a quiet day planned tomorrow - sewing, making brioche, and cleaning out the smell in the fridge.

I caught up on the coops today, so I can work on crafts guilt free tomorrow.

I am really torn about waiting vs. instant gratification for the big "reveal" when you get the blocks. Maybe we should let paulsmuffen decide, since she was first getting her's in. That is a huge accomplishment, to do them so fast, kudos!

Well, I am up past my bedtime...
Im starting mine today. I bought 1 yard of each just to be sure. I can use the left overs for other stuff. My fabric is laundered and Im taking it out to my studio to press it and start cutting. Cant wait to get it going.

I wouldve started sooner, but I had a friend teach me to sew diapers. Ive had so much fun learning these diapers. My kids are both out of diapers, so I guess i will make them for friends and to sell. These are so so cute!!!

Someone asked for quatities so I did a quick calculation - if anyone wants to check on my numbers, please do!

I calculated on a 40" wide fabric - from selvage to selvage. This is for all 12 blocks

RED - 18" (1/2 yard) 48 - 3 1/2" squares
BLUE - 10" (1/3 yard) 96 - 2" squares
WHITE 41 1/2" inches 48 - 3 1/2" squares and 96 - 2" squares
If I would be better in math my block would be done 2 to go. Hope I'm able to do them this week.

Have a great week everyone

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