Block swap. We need no more.

They are so cute. I don't know what to do. I want to put eggs in my bator but then again I want chicks so I was thinking of buying chicks. It's so much easier. What to do what to do.

They are really cute, I wish I could hold them.

Gin ready for more cuteness? I had 28 eggs in the bator and proud to announce that I got 20 little ones. I think its more then awesome, f you think, 17 are Silkies from shipped eggs and the arrived on that bittercold Monday morning in January and I was sure, that nothing will hatch
, so I put 3 of my Americana eggs with them...............

How much block you already got, Gin?
???? LOL are you asking me about how many blocks I have done. Or are you talking about the other block? If your talking about the other block I ask you about I didn't get any yet.

My DH is racing tonight so I'm hoping to get the rest of mine done.
I hurt my back, I think it was when the horse knocked be backwards for a loop, my but they are strong. Anyway I went to the Chiropractor on Wednesday and was going to go today but we have no water, the guy said " I'll be there around lunch time" Here it is 1:35 and he's not here. I'm sure I have a pinched nerve but I can't go until after he's here and gone. Life, life, life. got a love it.
???? LOL are you asking me about how many blocks I have done. Or are you talking about the other block? If your talking about the other block I ask you about I didn't get any yet.

My DH is racing tonight so I'm hoping to get the rest of mine done.

Sorry Gin, my english is still to bad
What I want to ask is, how many blocks from the swap did the mailman bring you already?
What did the howrse to you? Are you ok? Did your hubby had a winner? I think I need to visit you........miss to be around horses too much

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