Block swap. We need no more.

Your welcome to come to the barn any time but be wear I may put you to work. lol But really come and visit, let me know and I'll be there.
No winner again this week maybe next time. I was drying off the horse that races and she like to push you around well I was drying her back side and she knocked me backwards very fast I wasn't ready for it. I jerked my back and I am paying for it now.

I see they are having an animal sale this week on 61, I would have liked to go to it, maybe next month.

So far I received 3 sets of blocks and boy are they nice you all will be happy when you get them back.
My back was really bad this morning I took some Tylenol so I'm hoping that will make it feel better. Quote:
Sorry Gin, my english is still to bad
What I want to ask is, how many blocks from the swap did the mailman bring you already?
What did the horse to you? Are you ok? Did your hubby had a winner? I think I need to visit you........miss to be around horses too much
Think I need to give you a call. I'm only off Sunday and Mondays. By the way..............they have a small animal auction every Saturday @ 6.30 pm, but if you are looking for peeps..........I will have a lock down on Wed. The eggs came from my flock and I have RIR, Leghorn and some black mud hens and a wheat Ameracauna, the roos are a blue and a black wheat Ameracauna and a Black wheat Maran but this time I didn't set white eggs.
I would really like some Ameracauna's. Hint hint. Let me send you a pm and give you my phone number and we can talk.

Think I need to give you a call. I'm only off Sunday and Mondays. By the way..............they have a small animal auction every Saturday @ 6.30 pm, but if you are looking for peeps..........I will have a lock down on Wed. The eggs came from my flock and I have RIR, Leghorn and some black mud hens and a wheat Ameracauna, the roos are a blue and a black wheat Ameracauna and a Black wheat Maran but this time I didn't set white eggs.
I received some blocks yesterday. I didn't open them so I'm not sure who they are from. With my back hurting so much I'm not wanting to do much of anything. I made the mistate of helping at the barns yesterday and now I'm paying for it. I can tell you the postage was three dollars and something. I'll be better tomorrow.
Hope you feel better soon. Ehmmmmmmmmmmm this peeps will be partly Ameracauna, because I have 2 ameracauna rooster and only 1 Maran rooster running with the girls. Sadly I only have one Ameracauna girl :-( . I will give yu a call when I know how many peeps I will have. And stay out the barn
Sounds good. Thanks

Hope you feel better soon. Ehmmmmmmmmmmm this peeps will be partly Ameracauna, because I have 2 ameracauna rooster and only 1 Maran rooster running with the girls. Sadly I only have one Ameracauna girl :-( . I will give yu a call when I know how many peeps I will have. And stay out the barn
I'm sorry ladies I haven't been on here much I can't believe the pain I'm in. BUT there's only 16 more days. I hope to hear from some of you that haven't been on here lately. Thanks.

I know who's blocks I got now let me go check again. lol
I am so sorry you are hurting. I hope that you have someone to take care of you. Please take care of yourself.

Things have gotten ULTRA busy for me the last few weeks. Though I have not been on BYC much I have worked on my blocks.
Tomorrow is a snow day & I think I will be able to take a huge chunk out of the last few I have to do tomorrow.
(I don't want to jinx myself & say they will be done, because I have thought that a lot so far without success.)
I stretched myself a bit thinly because things were slow & steady at work, but lately my boss has been putting more & more hours on my schedule. It was nice for a while, but I am starting to feel over burdened. The snow day is a blessing. I need a quiet day of sewing.
Hope you feel better soon Gin!
I have 7 totally done, thought I had enough red, but no had to go back to JoAnn's today to get more and more and more.....nuff said...Have it in the washer, then iron and and whites are all done, so have to whip these all together, hoping done by this weekend :)

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