Block swap. We need no more.

I finished.

I have no idea when my next day off will be, so I am very excited & relieved.
I hope you ladies like them. They definitely have a point of view.
I am much more nervous knowing you all have to live with the blocks. That is for sure.

I will be making my special block over the next few days, and mail them all by Tuesday.

you're on the mend there, Gin.
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Thanks for letting me know. We are getting there. Yea.

Hope you feel better soon Gin!
I have 7 totally done, thought I had enough red, but no had to go back to JoAnn's today to get more and more and more.....nuff said...Have it in the washer, then iron and and whites are all done, so have to whip these all together, hoping done by this weekend :)
I'm so glad your happy. lol Doesn't it feel great to be done? Don't be nervous this is supposed to be fun and so far all the blocks I have received will go great together.

Thanks for the special block, that will be 4 I have. I'm sure I'll get more.

As long as I take my pills every 4 hours I have no pain. lol

I finished.

I have no idea when my next day off will be, so I am very excited & relieved.
I hope you ladies like them. They definitely have a point of view.
I am much more nervous knowing you all have to live with the blocks. That is for sure.

I will be making my special block over the next few days, and mail them all by Tuesday.

you're on the mend there, Gin.
If anyone is interested in sending Acre'sofBlessings daughter a card please let me know. She is in the hospital getting chemo again and this time they are giving her 3 times the amount she had before. Acres is putting all the cards on the wall and I would like the wall to be covered in cards. She said she needs some encouragement. This one will be the hardest for her.

My daughter and grandchildren from DE are making cards from construction paper, she said it will fill up the wall faster.

Send me a pm and I'll send you the information.
I'll be shipping on Monday. Finishing up the special block now.
If you PM me Acres' address I'll have my kids make some cards.

I have a question for you ladies. I have an opportunity to get a this:

It is a drive for me, so with shipping it would cost $120.
I have always used Singers, but this seems like a good deal & they get good reviews.
My current machine is not great. I got it at Walmart & it functions fine, but I am hooked on quilting now (thanks, ladies) and want something better. (My current machine is so bad, almost anything is an improvement.)
It looks like a good deal. If it does free-motion quilting or embroidery I'd get it. I'll pm you Acres' address and let you know when I get the blocks. Thanks.

I'll be shipping on Monday. Finishing up the special block now.
If you PM me Acres' address I'll have my kids make some cards.

I have a question for you ladies. I have an opportunity to get a this:

It is a drive for me, so with shipping it would cost $120.
I have always used Singers, but this seems like a good deal & they get good reviews.
My current machine is not great. I got it at Walmart & it functions fine, but I am hooked on quilting now (thanks, ladies) and want something better. (My current machine is so bad, almost anything is an improvement.)
Just wanted to show some of my blocks and how they are going to look. I'd really like to hear from some of the ladys that haven't been on here. I'm thinking your all busy working on your blocks.

I just finished today. They will be in the mail tomorrow. Feels good to get them done. Can't wait to see everyone's blocks.
Im also enclosing a special block. Somehow I ended up with enough extra to sew a different block up. Hope it's suitable.
I seem to have lost the info for shipping my blocks & really want to get them out.
Is it buried in this thread / could someone forward me the info?
Sorry I sent you a pm. I'm spending a lot of time on my back or taking a lot of pills for the pain. Let me know if you didn't get it.

I seem to have lost the info for shipping my blocks & really want to get them out.
Is it buried in this thread / could someone forward me the info?

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