Block swap. We need no more.

You would go to the recipe threads and see how many people wanted to do it. When we did a block a month we had a list of people. The first one sent a block to the name under them, the seond one sent one to the person under them on the list and so on, and the last one sent one to the first one on the list.

Hope you understand that if not let me know and I'll go back and see if I can find a swap for you to look at.

How does one start a swap?
I think a recipe swap would be fun, too, but I don't know how to get something going without stepping on the toes of the powers that be.
Two more days to go.

I do know we are going to have to wait on one person. Something came up and she doesn't have the funds to send it right away. I think she did say it will be Friday or Monday of next week she will send it out. Hope you all don't mind.
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Today is March 15 and I think it's deadline, or? Did you hear from the ladies you were missing?
@ Kitchengirl.............let me also know if you start a swap
I will, ladies.
I think we are waiting. I am excited. What a fun project this is.

I will definitely let you ladies know when I start the recipe swap.
Here is what I was thinking -
People can put up to 3 recipe titles up for offering & then you can pick a recipe from the list for every recipe you offer.
Then, when everyone has picked a recipe/recipes, you mail your recipe off to the recipients.
That way I don't have to guess what people I only know via BYC might like to eat.

Does that sound like a good way to run it?

I will start it soon. I think it would be a fun, easy swap to run & to participate in.

I am taking it easy-ish this week.
My drake was causing huge problems for me & my flock for the last few months. I finally realized I was doing all kinds of things to work around one animal that was not really doing anything besides messing with the flow of our days. (And my hens were miserable.)
He is now on a big duck farm with no access to chickens, and I got a gorgeous Buff duck who graced me with a floating egg in her pool this morning. (One of my Ancona hens laid her first egg today, too. I think everyone is relieved my drake has moved on.) He was so pleased to have 65 ducks to quack at, and I get the feeling the Buff likes the slower pace & quieter life of a garden duck.
We are waiting on one person. I should received them today or Monday. I'll go back and readthe pm she sent and let you all know.

Update on Arce's of Blessing daughter. I'm a little worried about that.

Yes, I was all most right. She said I should get them Saturday or Monday.
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I am the culprit for the delay and so sorry ladies. Due to an expected expense I could not mail, then my paycheck was a day late and no vehicle for 2 days, so I got online postage and the box is due to pickup tomorrow (Saturday), so Ginger should have Tuesday, I sent her the confirmation #. Next time I will get done immediately, learned my lesson and so sorry for the wait....Since it was my idea to put who did what block, I had to open the box to put a sticky on...Sorry again...Deb
Don't worry about it thinks happen. Today I put water in my car and didn't know I didn't get the cap back on all the way so I drove about 10 miles and my car over heated. I'll put a sticky note on all the blocks that don't have one so we all know who they came from. I have these cute little sticky ones. lol If I can find them.

I am the culprit for the delay and so sorry ladies. Due to an expected expense I could not mail, then my paycheck was a day late and no vehicle for 2 days, so I got online postage and the box is due to pickup tomorrow (Saturday), so Ginger should have Tuesday, I sent her the confirmation #. Next time I will get done immediately, learned my lesson and so sorry for the wait....Since it was my idea to put who did what block, I had to open the box to put a sticky on...Sorry again...Deb
Can't wait for the blocks. I already have an idea how I will put my quilt together. It's really bad that some people are this way. I understand Ginbart that she don't want to do a swap again.
Ginbart I think you did a great job. Thank you for doing it

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