Block swap. We need no more.

Hey all, sorry to abandon you like that - life's weirdness got weirder! I was unexpectantly sent out in the field last week and just got home late last night.

I do have the blocks done, but forgot them on the counter this morning - will be in the mail tomorrow morning if you still want me to mail them.

Now the weirdness:
My boss called Sat afternoon, all upset. Our field tech was in a car accident Sat morning (2 am) and would be off work at least a week. The tech that normally covers for him left for a 9 day cruise on Friday night. The boss is on restricted driving because he passed out a couple of weeks ago - dehydration they think - but mandatory 60 day license suspension in any case of unconsiousness. Since I was the only person left in the office who had any field experience (5 years ago, with a different employer), would I please, Please, PLEASE!?! agree to go out in the field and run the job for a week.

That's what happens in a small business!
So anyway, I survived a week out in the boonies - OH forgot to mention, after the 5 hour drive, I find out there is not any internet service set up out there, so the laptop was just for games
and, oh, Cell phones only work down the driveway, at the top of the hill.

It was an experience.
Sounds like you had quite a week. Yikes.

Small businesses are like that.

My phone hasn't worked at the place I live for 3 years now.
It has rendered me "The most consistently difficult person in the world to get in touch with," according to several friends, separate of one another.
It has also gotten to the point that I do not know how to communicate on the phone. At all.

Thank goodness for email, I'd be a hermit without internet.
It is funny how reliant we get on things we never dreamed of 20 years ago.

As before - I'm fine with waiting. This is all fun for me.
I am annoyingly good at being positive, though. Most of the time.

Glad you're back Wyo. Hope you can get some rest. We had last week off from work. I could use another week of the same.
It is 81 right now!!!! IN MAINE!!!!!
I sent a reply with my email, not sure if it came through...Balefire, if you don't I will start another...and Ginger, thanks so much with all you have going for doing this one

Some post I need to read twice, til I understand them lol...............jepp I'm blond
Granny, I try to do a swap BUT it feel like time runs so fast. So if you want to start one, go ahead and mine will wait til yours is done.

Ladies i will give you a hint............the pattern will be a lot of triangels with one background color and 3 other. It's great to use scraps as long as you are able to cut 2 3 7/8 squares from it.

Gin, I need to punish you a little...............I have a lot of little fuzzy butts
And I have now my very first duck eggs in the exciting.
How I would have loved to sleep but I'm trying to clean my house top to bottom and it's hard going. My 11 year old DS said something in school last week, like he wanted to kill himself. He was doing PSSA'S and with ADHD it's hard for him. He has never said this before and he told them he was sorry but they still reported it. Now Children and Youth are coming to my house tomorrow to talk to us. They wanted to know if he was in Counseling, I DO NOT LIKE THESE PEOPLE. I told them, he only said this once but no they still need to come. SO if I don't go to jail tomorrow I will be sending them out on Friday. lol If I do my daughter knows about them and she will send them out.

My daughter has children she takes care of and one boy is always saying that so she needs to go pick him up from school. Now how dumb is the school to let him go home. He knows if he says it he will go home so my DD said no, you keep him in school after a week of him not being able to go home he stopped saying it. All I need is for my son to think he can do that and I will be picking him up.

They will go out this week I promise.
Ginbart, hang in there. Just do what they ask. I thnk DFCS has way too much power in my opinion. We were "investigated" at the beginning of the school year because my son had a bruise on his arm! I mean really, he is 6, and has a 4 year old sister and they climb and wrestle on everything and they get bruises. They came out and told us worst case scenario and then made us wait 2 weeks. It was terrible. THen we got a certified letter in the mail stating that everything was unsubstantiated. Waste of time on their part in my opinion.

Im in no hurry to get my blocks either. Get through real life stuff first, then you can worry about us. Take care of yourself.
Did you get WyoDreamers already? That was quick. Im sorry about the no-shows. Very disheartening, but it will be ok. :) Let me know what I owe you for shipping.

Im up for doing a block swap if we need a host. I would prefer that we pick common colors, but each pick our own blocks. Just a suggestion. Of course there would need to be a sign up sheet so the blocks arent repeated. Let me know if anyone is up for this one. Not trying to step on toes if someone else wants to go first. Im certainly in no hurry :)

Ginbart, hang in there. Just do what they ask. I thnk DFCS has way too much power in my opinion. We were "investigated" at the beginning of the school year because my son had a bruise on his arm! I mean really, he is 6, and has a 4 year old sister and they climb and wrestle on everything and they get bruises. They came out and told us worst case scenario and then made us wait 2 weeks. It was terrible. THen we got a certified letter in the mail stating that everything was unsubstantiated. Waste of time on their part in my opinion.

Im in no hurry to get my blocks either. Get through real life stuff first, then you can worry about us. Take care of yourself.
Did you get WyoDreamers already? That was quick. Im sorry about the no-shows. Very disheartening, but it will be ok. :) Let me know what I owe you for shipping.

Im up for doing a block swap if we need a host. I would prefer that we pick common colors, but each pick our own blocks. Just a suggestion. Of course there would need to be a sign up sheet so the blocks arent repeated. Let me know if anyone is up for this one. Not trying to step on toes if someone else wants to go first. Im certainly in no hurry :)


If you want to start one, go for it Natasha, I just hated to see it disappear...I am game :)
Oh Gin.

I have no words for how sorry I am to read this post. It just takes the wind right out of me.
If you stand in your truth, and show them they are wasting their time, they will leave. You will be fine. I am sending all of my energy toward a speedy & peaceful resolution.

PLEASE do not worry about our blocks.
Just hang in there, take care of yourself & your family & do what you need to do there.


The blocks are better for July sewing, anyhow.
I will start a new thread regarding the next block swap. Im not in a rush to get everyone going, but I will post my ideas and we can brainstorm as a group and come up with something.
OMG Gin..........KIDS. Hope you are able to straighten all out and everybody will be fine. Glad that my kids are adult now, but I have had them ( back in Germany) often in my house, because the neighbors couldn't believe, that a woman is able to raise 4 children by herself, there MUST be something wrong. But it wasn't ..............too bad for the neighbors lol

I want to see my blocks............BUT YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST. Whenever you send them it will be fine.

Natasha, your idea is great
. Maybe we should post our favorite color and then we will see, which colors will be the most?

Just a update on my hatch...............20 out 24 right now and very colorful, will post a pic later

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