Blood and more from vent


9 Years
Aug 10, 2010
West Dundee IL
I've had chickens a long time. Never any real trouble. I currently have 4 birds that are 3 1/2 yrs old. I have black australorp hen that has blood oozing from vent. When I laid her down it appears that her insides seem to want to come out. Her belly is hanging really low between her legs. Any suggestions
I suspect she could have cancer of her reproductive system or possible liver failure and ascites (water belly.) With liver disease, bleeding can be a problem. I think that I would put her down, especially if she seems in pain or uncomfortable. Or tomorrow, I would take her to a vet to get an opinion. Sorry about your hen.
Would you be able to post a picture? Could she have had a prolapsed vent that was pecked by the other chickens? That would be my only concern rather than cancer.
Doesn't appear to be any pecking. Blood seams to be coming out from within and not on the surface and have never had a pecking problem in the past. 2 days ago she seemed fine. Very sudden Thx for advice

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