Blood and worm in poop?

Apple Cider Vinegar will not treat worms. I learned that a long time ago.
This is directly from Cackle Hatchery, "
Apple cider vinegar is full of antibiotic properties. The main substance in vinegar, acetic acid can kill bacteria and/or prevent them from multiplying and reaching harmful levels. It is also thought that apple cider vinegar can increase the body’s absorption of important minerals from the food eaten. It is a good home remedy for maintenance of a healthy chicken. NOTE: We feel Bragg’s unfiltered raw mother bottle version is better than this dry form if you are able to purchase it locally.

Mix 1/4 tsp per 1 gallon of water for stock solution. Mix 1/3 cup stock solution with one quart (32 oz) water for treatment of coccidiosis.

For liquid Apple Cider Vinegar mix 1/3 cup with one quart of water."
This is directly from Cackle Hatchery, "
Apple cider vinegar is full of antibiotic properties. The main substance in vinegar, acetic acid can kill bacteria and/or prevent them from multiplying and reaching harmful levels. It is also thought that apple cider vinegar can increase the body’s absorption of important minerals from the food eaten. It is a good home remedy for maintenance of a healthy chicken. NOTE: We feel Bragg’s unfiltered raw mother bottle version is better than this dry form if you are able to purchase it locally.

Mix 1/4 tsp per 1 gallon of water for stock solution. Mix 1/3 cup stock solution with one quart (32 oz) water for treatment of coccidiosis.

For liquid Apple Cider Vinegar mix 1/3 cup with one quart of water."
I would think they would know since they hatch something like 20 THOUSAND chicks a month! That's a lot of chicks! : )
I was told by Mississippi State that Apple Cider Vinegar in the drinking water is great on treating worms. Now Coccidiosis to me is like Parvo in dogs, it kills quick due to internal bleeding and dehydration.

We lost 3 out of 7 young chicks when hit with heavy rains that caused our chicken runs to mix their poop and feed they drop on the ground. Get ready, use a syringe to slowly dribble the Corid mixed with the right amount of water in their little beaks. We had one that was on deaths door, so we gave 2-3 straight Corid to it once a day, and low and behold that baby lived and is thriving! Defitinely do electrolyes and B Vitamins too!
Going to separate the one tonight that I know is suffering from it the most based on behavior and looks wasn’t sure who in the flock had it so was treating everyone. I know there is a vitamin in supposed to avoid during colid treatment. I thought it was B but will do more research
Its simple biological science. Worms need a certain ph to grow and thrive in the gut, the apple cider vinegar changes that ph level to where they die.

My husband is a biologist .... been one for 45 years.
The person wasn't someone who happened to be working there, she is a veterinarian there.
I would think they would know since they hatch something like 20 THOUSAND chicks a month! That's a lot of chicks! : )
If you want to believe misinformation, that's on you and do what you feel is best for your birds. You'll learn eventually.
Once your birds get worms, I'll be here to help you. Simply ask.
If you want to believe misinformation, that's on you and do what you feel is best for your birds. You'll learn eventually.
Once your birds get worms, I'll be here to help you. Simply ask.
Thank you dawg, today is day five of treatment at two teaspoons per gallon for the whole flock, no one is dead yet so that’s good and no more blood in poop but getting coild poops, separating the bird I know is sick tonight. Should I give it some extra protien like a egg scrambles in morning, I also have hydro hen and electrolyte vitamin mix in that I have them the first day it stoped because wasn’t sure if it would help. I was giving them medicated chick mash along with other feeds but stoped as I read it dosent help during a infection of colid. Today it hit 94 here the ladies out hot gave them some more water with treatment.


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Scrambled eggs and the medicated chick starter are good. Dont give her anything containing thiamine. Corid is a thiamine blocker.
I know about the heat. It's been a hot summer. Phew!
I'm pretty new to chickens and nearly lost one to what I believe was coccidiosis. You can read about it here.

I highly recommend immediately getting a copy of The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow. It saved my girls life.

The amprolium/corvid works by wiping out the birds B1 Thiamine which interrupts the parasites life cycle. The hen also needs B1 for brain function.

Watching that poor bird seize and stargaze was tough. I was just about to stretch her neck to end her suffering when I remembered reading in The Chicken Health Handbook, stargazing in adult hens can be caused by vitamin B deficency.

In Honey's case I believe her star gazing on last day of treatment was caused by a B1 deficency. Prior to the stargazing she would not drink so I used an eyedropper to give her corid solution.

After giving her liquid B complex orally the the stargazing stopped and the tremors subsided. I didn't time how long it took.

I find an eyedropper easier to control than an oral syringe and less likely to cause the bird to aspirate liquids.

Good luck and keep us posted.
I'm pretty new to chickens and nearly lost one to what I believe was coccidiosis. You can read about it here.

I highly recommend immediately getting a copy of The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow. It saved my girls life.

The amprolium/corvid works by wiping out the birds B1 Thiamine which interrupts the parasites life cycle. The hen also needs B1 for brain function.

Watching that poor bird seize and stargaze was tough. I was just about to stretch her neck to end her suffering when I remembered reading in The Chicken Health Handbook, stargazing in adult hens can be caused by vitamin B deficency.

In Honey's case I believe her star gazing on last day of treatment was caused by a B1 deficency. Prior to the stargazing she would not drink so I used an eyedropper to give her corid solution.

After giving her liquid B complex orally the the stargazing stopped and the tremors subsided. I didn't time how long it took.

I find an eyedropper easier to control than an oral syringe and less likely to cause the bird to aspirate liquids.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Okay so the vitamins & electrolytes with lactobaclius has thiamine HCI B1 270mg min per oz I also have a product called hydro hen that’s a 3 in 1 probiotic, electrolytes and acidifiers. Should I just grab the save a chick packets they have a TS Tomorrow it’s also supposed to be so hot out tomorrow I don’t want to separate the one that’s durinh worse as I’m afraid caging her will give her more stress and she wouldn’t be able to cook off with a dust bath etc, if she has colid they prob all have it and they are all getting treatment any point with separating her? My yards small coudnt keep her to far away from the others and can’t bring her inside no AC and will be hotter inside then outside

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