Blood spot on eggs 2 consecutive days


7 Years
Mar 2, 2017
La Junta, CO
The black hen is the Hen in isolation.

Hey all!

I have a hen who is in Chicken hospital isolation as she is over mated and lost a lot of feathers. I noticed that two days in a row now, her eggs have what look like blood on them. She is getting old, but she is my favorite, hardy hen! Any idea what this could be?

Also, besides upping the protein, is there anything I can do to help her with those feathers? Or know how long it may take to cover the bare spots? I hope in time for winter! She won't let me catch her to put a cute hen saddle on her!
Blood on the eggs is generally from the cloaca stretching out. I see it sometimes and it's usually nothing to worry about. As far as the feathers she should still grow them back at some point before winter sets in, some of mine haven't even started to molt yet. Some will wait until December.
That's a weird place for blood to be. I would think that the egg should be streaked with blood if the cloaca was damaged. It looks as if the blood was smeared on after the eggs were laid. Interesting to see what other people think.
It is really difficult when a rooster finds a favorite hen and keeps bothering her. You'll be having to keep her in isolation most of the time, put the saddle on her or keep the rooster in check somehow because the feathers likely won't grow back fast enough if she keeps getting attacked. In a couple of weeks she should have a lot of her feathers grown back.
Thank you all! I will keep an eye on her! We have a few too many roosters. One is old so we kept a Spring hatched Roo to replace him and she is just everyone's favorite! Plus she is older and slower! I may build a bigger pen around the old coop for her a few gal pals, so she can still be free and social without the boys getting her! Thank you!

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