Bloody poop with chicks


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2023
Hello, I am a new chicken keeper and this is my second time raising chicks. My first time I had no issues whatsoever but this time I believe I may have come across coccidia. I have ayam cemani, polish, silkies, and a white sultan in a brooder setup. They’re currently ranging from 3-4 weeks old. (I am currently looking for another heater and tub as they grew so rapidly they are a little crowded now). I clean the brooder as much as I can but sometimes they just messy it up when I’m not able to, resulting in their poop getting into the water and feed or soaking the paper towels. They were fine for weeks but I noticed a few days ago that there was bloody stools in the brooder. This was two days ago after the brooder being soaked in water due to the chickens messing up the paper towel. They seem to all be lively but there are a few that keep their head pressed against their body when idling. They all have clear eyes and all eat and seem to have a nice weight on them. I started treating them with corid (2 teaspoons per gallon) yesterday. I assume this is coccidia? Both sources of my chicks were together for 2 weeks before this issue. I also quarantined the new chicks for little over a week before introducing them together, seeing nothing wrong with their feces. I assume the new chicks were previously carrying coccidia from the one breeder. Is there anything else I should do? I ordered ammonia to deep clean today and will start that soon. How often should I deep clean? Should i move to shavings? Any help would be appreciated. I’m thinking of treating with corid for 7-10 days and will then move to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for another week.

The picture with poop is within a 8 hour span.


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Should I worry about that amount of blood as well? It seems like a lot. I’m trying my best and want them to thrive and survive. Also is there any way to clean them off? They often step on poop.
Are any of the chicks acting sick of anything? If you can you might want to try and see if you can find the ones who are making the bloody poops and watch their behavior. If there is a avian vet near you, you could try and give them a call😊😊
Oh no! I'm sorry that this is happening.
Around this age is when I switch them to pine shavings, as it's more absorbent and the poop doesn't pile up like it does on paper towels.
Have you checked their vents? Do any of them look injured?
Are they drinking and eating normal?
I recommend also adding some electrolytes to their water, like hydro hen, which should give them a boost.
That’s enough blood that I would go ahead and treat with corid. I would recommend switching to shavings, but if you have a coop ready I would be moving them to their coop with the heat plate. That tub is much too small for those guys.
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Are any of the chicks acting sick of anything? If you can you might want to try and see if you can find the ones who are making the bloody poops and watch their behavior. If there is a avian vet near you, you could try and give them a call😊😊
Some of them seem to be keeping their heads close to their body as if they’re resting but when I approach them they run around all excited. They seem pretty active and I don’t see anything sulking or acting extra weird. Is there a cleaning regime you’d recommend?
That’s enough blood that I would go ahead and treat with corid and switching to shavings, but if you have a coop ready I would be moving them to their coop with the heat plate. That tub is much too small for those guys.
This. I would start them on Corid today. You can get it at most farm supply stores. Here are the dosing instructions:

They also need a larger living area.
Thank you. I am looking into a larger area now. I started giving them 2 teaspoon/gallon corid yesterday. Is there a specific cleaning regime I should do with ammonia? I was thinking just everyday when possible. I do remember having to give them a different feed, which was a couple days before this issue. I ran out and the normal feed I get was not available. Could this be an attribute to the problem? Like an upset stomach led to them having this issue?
Thank you. I am looking into a larger area now. I started giving them 2 teaspoon/gallon corid yesterday. Is there a specific cleaning regime I should do with ammonia? I was thinking just everyday when possible. I do remember having to give them a different feed, which was a couple days before this issue. I ran out and the normal feed I get was not available. Could this be an attribute to the problem? Like an upset stomach led to them having this issue?
I'd clean it at least once a day. Pine shavings would help immensely.

Feed wouldn't have done this, no.

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