Bloody Poop?

Thanks Wyorp Rock. I don't think it is Cocci since I'm not seeing any of the other symptoms; no lethargy, no weight loss and they are all eating and drinking like normal.

Taking a fecal sample to the vet really isn't an option either. The closest poultry vet is almost three hours away.

Would it hurt to treat for cocciodiosis just to be safe?
Thanks Wyorp Rock. I don't think it is Cocci since I'm not seeing any of the other symptoms; no lethargy, no weight loss and they are all eating and drinking like normal.

Taking a fecal sample to the vet really isn't an option either. The closest poultry vet is almost three hours away.

Would it hurt to treat for cocciodiosis just to be safe?
No it won't hurt to treat for Cocci, Corid is safe to use and there is no withdrawal period.

It's possible it could be intestinal shedding mixed with the urates in the poop. If you are seeing a lot of droppings like that then, treating would be your safest option.

Poop Chart:
I'll keep an eye on the poop for the next few days, but I'm ordering some Corid just to be safe. Even if I din't end up needing it this time, it will be good to have on hand. Thanks!

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