bloody stool


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
I am very new to chicken raising. Just got my pullets 1 wk ago. They are all 12-14 wks. I have 2 buff orps, 2 barred rocks, 2 RIR, 2 australorps, and 2 golden laced wyandottes. They had been doing good. I have a 6x6 cedar coop and a 6x12 fully enclosed run. I have not let them free range yet since I just got them. Our temps here in North Texas have been 100+ every day. I have been putting electrolytes in their water. I feed starter food and have been given them scratch, some watermelon and lettuce so far. Today when I got home and was checking on them I noticed a few poops that were bloody with mucous in it. I sat in the run and watched them when I gave them some scratch. They all came running and ate. None of them appeared sick that I could tell with no experience yet, just a great want to be a great Mom. Please any advice would be helpful. I'm afraid to come home and find them dead.
Here is the Famous POOP chart:

and look to see if it isn't the lining shedding.....sometimes if they eat alot of berries, or watermelon it can have some color to it....

You can do the 2 simple tests to see if it is really bloody or not:
1. Take a little of the poop you think is blood and put in a glass of water: see if the water streaks with pink
2. Take a white paper towel and dab on the red poop...see if the paper towel gets red rings in it ...that would show blood

If you do think it is blood, report back and we can help you more....the most common reason would be Cocci....but check the chart to make sure it is not within normal range

God Bless,
Thank you so much for that chart with pictures. I think maybe it is shedding of the lining. It's now too dark for me to see. will recheck against the chart in the morning. What causes the lining to shed and is it normal all the time?
It is very normal to shed the lining, and nothing to worry about


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