Bloody tails on 2 hens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
chicken court road
a week ago, my chicken Peggyo was sitting in the coop with a huge bloody wound right above her vent. We kept her in the garage until it healed a couple days ago. Then we put her back, and she was fine.

then yesterday night, another on of my hens, a red sex link, Carol, got an even worse wound in the exact same spot. She is currently in the garadge.

Niether wound had any V shaped or picked feathers, and both chickens were close to the top of the pecking order. Both were everyday layers.

We havent seen any predetors near the coop, but we have seen squirrels in the run. we are trying to keep them out. could a squirrel hurt a chicken? how are the chickens getting hurt and what should we do?

Also, we have noticed the eggs of our chickens are all messed up. The yolks are grainy and the whites are runny. Is this because its cold outside or because of their injurys? or something else?

Please help!
Don't know where you are, but it's really cold up here. You would not want to touch your tonque to the rain spout
. Is there any chance that there might be something metallic in the nest or on the roost that they might be sitting on, and freezing to?:rolleyes:
Oops, sorry, I forgot the pictures



Thank you for awnsering, patvetzal!
Your right, I wonder if the metal netting is freezing them.
I´ll go check the netting and see if theres any blood or feathers on it.
Thanks so much! Do you have any ideas on the wierd eggs?
We sometimes notice runny whites as well. Thought it was from the cold coop....Sometimes the eggs freeze and visibly crack. These go in "our" pile instead of the sell pile....

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