Bloody Vent!!! Egg bound?


5 Years
Jul 27, 2014

Hi BYC! Please help!! My friend's buff orphington's vent is bleeding and she thinks her chicken has an egg stuck in her. Her depth of abdomen isn't hard. The chicken's comb is red, but floppy and her eyes are dilated looking. Please let me know what I can do to help her. Also please let me know if you think the chicken isn't egg bound and it is something else instead. Thank you!!
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Try looking up Prolapse.
Good luck!
Agreed that prolapsed cloaca is the problem. Egg binding can be one of the causes. Take a rubber glove, and insert a finger into the vent to feel for a stuck egg. A prolapse needs to be pushed back inside if no egg is present, so the red tissue does not dry out and turn black and die. Apply honey or hemorrhoid cream to the vent to help reduce swelling, and try to push it back inside. It may pop back out, but hold it in for a few minutes, keep repeating this. Make sure that she can pass droppings.

Hi BYC! Please help!! My friend's buff orphington's vent is bleeding and she thinks her chicken has an egg stuck in her. Her depth of abdomen isn't hard. The chicken's comb is red, but floppy and her eyes are dilated looking. Please let me know what I can do to help her. Also please let me know if you think the chicken isn't egg bound and it is something else instead. Thank you!!
This happened to My Leghorn. I gave her a warm bath in Epsom Salts & with Rubber gloves on, put Sugar around her Vent for 3 days & kept her inside a dog crate. The Sugar Helps the Vent go back inside. Preparation H also helps with the swelling. My hen went back outside with her flock 3 days later.

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