Blooie's Blankie Fort

Sorry to hear about the two. I use an old LG9200 with the fan kit installed. THe first few hatches I never had a problem with the fan. Then I had TWO chicks get injured by the fan. Both occurances I was beside or looking into the bator. The first one stretched just far enough to get the tip of his beak and it chipped it. I was doing something beside the incubator and heard the thump when when it hit. He was ok. The second one, I standing over the bator looking at the chicks when my barred rock decieded to stretch up right under it and it literally threw her back. I pulled her out and Her little head was scalped. I pulled the skin back down and put neosporin on and kept doing that. The head healed, but she still to this day, a year later has a slit in the brow over her eye. This is when I started removing my chicks once they became active instead of waiting for them to completely dry and I try to keep my sponges set under the fan so thay can't access that area. It's scary. All fans should have a guard.

Positie vibes and prayers Kendra's way! She's such a strong little girl!
She is, Amy, and thank you!

This was her last meal before going NPO for surgery. Kenny decided she could have anything she wanted - and this is what she wanted! Could barely wait for Mommy to get them cracked open!

She kinda liked the loopy medicine! We got to Facetime with her and the kids just before they took her down. hard to see her like that!

But this morning she's awake - more or less!
My kinda little girl! When I was falsely(we later discovered) diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm my last meal before I wasn't allowed to eat anymore in case emergency surgery was necessary was crab legs and lobster! :)

I'm glad she seems to be doing well and we will continue to pray for her.
Has anyone seen this! You won't regret watching... Sort of amazing to see what is happening INSIDE the egg as its incubated!

And if that didn't work, here it is again:

Oh my gosh I saw that last night and I think it should be added to every thread on BYC! Lol that is so so so cool! Many that would be awesome to try. I know everyone on the hatching threads would love to see it.
Oh my gosh I saw that last night and I think it should be added to every thread on BYC! Lol that is so so so cool! Many that would be awesome to try. I know everyone on the hatching threads would love to see it.
I know, but I wanted more photos!! I almost think the first 2 days, I would be able to actually SEE it changing, if I were to be able to just sit there staring at it.
Very true I was also wondering exactly how they do it. Don't get me wrong I think nature has it right but it would be cool to try. They must have to poke or burn air holes in the plastic or how would the chick survive?

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