Blue Andalusian thread!

Here is my Blue Andalusian Charcoal, she is about 9-10 weeks old. How does she look?

This is a picture of her when she was younger.
She looks pretty good. Can't really see her type but color and lacing are fair. The best thing I can say about both color and lacing is that they are pretty consistent. Her ground color is even except on a few of her secondary wing feathers and her lacing is the same all over her body, except a little light on the tail feathers. It's not dark lacing but at least its all there. If you plan on breeding her, hopefully you can choose a male that has nice even slightly darker color with darker lacing.

That being said, she is still quite young and has a couple more sets of feathers to go through to get her final adult plumage. It probably won't improve much but as long as she doesn't get patchy and lose the lacing that is showing so far, I think you have something there that you can work with.

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