Blue Andalusian thread!


First eggs
If you're looking for "wow factor" in your egg cartons, you'll be surprised at what a white egg can do when mixed in with a bunch of other colors. Especially if you have varying degrees of brown eggs in there, maybe some pastel shades and some darker ones too. The white eggs really POP when you have those other eggs too.
If you're looking for "wow factor" in your egg cartons, you'll be surprised at what a white egg can do when mixed in with a bunch of other colors. Especially if you have varying degrees of brown eggs in there, maybe some pastel shades and some darker ones too. The white eggs really POP when you have those other eggs too.

True! I love a variety. :)
I would love to see some more egg colors-anyone? Are they a slight tint? :) Do they lay well?
Our Andalusian hen lays a large white egg initially almost torpedo shaped, she probably laid about 5 eggs/week at her peak, about 3-4 eggs a week as she got older. She is the only hen we kept from our original flock and at 4 years old is still laying eggs, she molts hard and stops laying during that time but still looks like a strong healthy bird otherwise. Ours was hatchery stock, so if you buy one from a breeder it probably wont lay nearly as many eggs as they are generally bred for SOP/showing in mind and not egg production.
That simply is not true Manningjw. I can tell you've been listening to other arguments over the SOP. The SOP, if followed more closely than correct color, will give you great layers! Of course you have to be willing to learn and find out what makes a great layer! Do you know?
It depends on your definition of great layer. Point of lay early/production over first few years is one thing, not necessarily what I would want. What I said I mean generally speaking, any bird bred for appearance first will lay fewer eggs per year than a bird bred for production value first, appearance second. If your birds are different, that is great.

There are many features of a bird you can select for that are traits egg producing chickens will have, however, artificial selection focusing on only the birds that produce the most eggs per month/year or during winter months etc will produce better egg layers. Most people simply do not have large enough flocks to select for all the traits in appearance in addition to maintaining egg production which a commercial hatchery is most concerned with. I would LOVE to find Australorps that are equally as productive egg layers as the original stock. Unfortunately, they are bred more for show/appearance than for commercial egg laying purposes now (thanks to the success of hybrid egg layers) and as a result it is hard to find australorps that would surpass 280-320 eggs a year like they should. You get what you select for, if you want utility you have to find someone that is also concerned with utility.
Alright then. My problem was with your generalization. There are many who are not concerned with productivity but not all.

I believe the Jersey Giant is considered a dual purpose fowl, aren't they? Ones obtained from a hatchery may lay very well because of what they cross into them to increase their ability. However, you generally cannot take a hatchery quality bird to any kind of show and do well. Also, the only way to know exactly how many eggs a bird is laying is to trap nest and a lot of people just don't have the time to do so... either that or you have to have one bird of whichever breed you choose which lays its own colored egg... that way would be easier, but that isn't a breeding project.

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