Blue Andalusian thread!

Alright then. My problem was with your generalization. There are many who are not concerned with productivity but not all.

I believe the Jersey Giant is considered a dual purpose fowl, aren't they? Ones obtained from a hatchery may lay very well because of what they cross into them to increase their ability. However, you generally cannot take a hatchery quality bird to any kind of show and do well. Also, the only way to know exactly how many eggs a bird is laying is to trap nest and a lot of people just don't have the time to do so... either that or you have to have one bird of whichever breed you choose which lays its own colored egg... that way would be easier, but that isn't a breeding project.

That kind of generalization is on par with what i originally stated about egg laying - yet no one has a problem with it. For the most part it may be true. Both breeders and hatcheries have value and fill a role within our hobby. You are further arguing my case that the hatchery birds will generally lay more eggs. Though I would argue not necessarily because of what was mixed it, instead what they are selected for. You could be right, they could have mixed something in to increase egg production but that takes a lot of work to select back for JG type, not to say it isn't possible.

The funny thing about SOP is it depends on what country you are in. Even breeds of specific heritage have varied greatly over the existence of the breed and it largely was whoever was doing the selecting that shaped what the breed would evolve into and which traits were lost altogether. I found it very interesting to read about the history of Black Langshans for instance.
My Australorp is doing pretty good so far. 5-6 eggs a week, kind of like clockwork.
Ours were pretty good too. I have been temped to pick up some Austra-whites as well. They are a fun breed, pretty birds for sure. Our boston terrier used to run around the chicken yard trying to intimidate them but the Australorps would strut right up to him and force him to back off, was really fun to watch him shut down by a chicken!
If anyone will be taking birds to the pa farm show and has a few hens for sale, please let me know. I can meet you there.

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