Blue Andalusian thread!

Our birds all forage, so I thought these girls would fit right in. Plus we have trees. We do live in a cold weather area, but we have a good number of birds and the coop is not drafty with exception of the vents.
First one out is Andi/black sex link cross. Looks blue to me. Two more eggs pipped in the night. The Austra's egg and one of the white mystery eggs. That could be Andi, buttercup or hamburg. Gotta go to work for 4.5 hours so I'm happy this is a short day.
They'll quit laying when they molt at 18 months. This will last for about 6 weeks while they grow new feathers and rest. Their first winter, is generally when they start laying.

Andalusians obtained from a hatchery generally are flighty and skittish. They can be loud but its not constant.

Where have you looked for a breeder? You might find one as close or closer than whatever hatchery you decide to use. Of course they will probably cost a little more from a breeder than a hatchery as we just can't hatch the numbers they can.

Good luck sourcing good birds.
They'll quit laying when they molt at 18 months.  This will last for about 6 weeks while they grow new feathers and rest.  Their first winter, is generally when they start laying.

Andalusians obtained from a hatchery generally are flighty and skittish.  They can be loud but its not constant. 

Where  have you looked for a breeder?  You might find one as close or closer than whatever hatchery you decide to use.  Of course they will probably cost a little more from a breeder than a hatchery as we just can't hatch the numbers they can.

Good luck sourcing good birds.
Thank you for the info. I am guessing that they are like all of our other Mediterranean hens. They are excellent layers of large white eggs. Our Minorca girls are almost the size of the Andalusian rooster. I believe that this is another remarkable bird. The other issue is that they are not as cold hardy, but we have had this obstacle before. Birds learn to adapt and we learn how to car for them. Plus they will be in with larger cold hardy chickens that will help keep them warm. Thank you once again. I think we will be fine with a Blue Andalusian little girl. Plus we can breed her with our male.
I have 3 Andalusian hens that are about 5 months old, 1 Blue and 2 Splash. They have not started laying yet. Anyway, I suspect that they may be mixed breed. The two Splash girls have developed some light brown/tan feathers, and one of them has feathers growing out on her legs. As far as I know, Andalusians should not have leg feathers. I will post some photos. Any ideas?
I finally got around to getting some pictures. They aren't the best, but hopefully someone can help out. Two of these girls may be Andalusian, but one most certainly is not. She has some feathers growing on her feet and legs, her comb is practically non-existent compared to the other 2 hens, her tail has a completely different shape, as a matter of fact her whole body has a completely different shape, her legs are a different color, and she is much larger than the other two at the same age. What might she be mixed with? She's not laying yet, so it will be interesting to see what color her eggs are.

From right to left, the mixed girl, and Blue Andi, and a Buff Orp hen.

Here she is again.

Here are the same 3. Funny it wasn't until I started taking these pics, that I realized just how much these 3 stick together.

Here she is with the Buff.

And the last one.
You have what is known as a "splash" andalusian pullet there. Then you have the orpington pullet. Then I want to say you have a blue andalusian rooster... however, looking at his tail feathers, he doesn't look like a male. It's his head and the hackle feathers that are saying rooster. You say they're 5 months old? If they're that old, and that rooster hasn't crowed yet, maybe it is a girl. She is way more developed than the other two and that also says boy. It's kind of hard to tell whether or not they are pure, probably mixed, but like I said, it's hard to tell. So, I guess you'll have to wait and see.
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Hello, I was wondering if my hen was a blue andelusian. That's what she was sold as but she doesn't seem to look like it o.o she's almost 4 now and she's still a big fluffy goofball. If anyone has an idea of what she is it would be great to finally know haha
after reading through this entire thread i finally decided to join BYC. after seeing everyone's lovely birds i now see the flaws in mine. I got the eggs from a hobby breeder and hopefully I can do something good with these Andalusians...........any feedback would be great!!!!

Splash cockerel

Black cockerel with splash hen

My only blue pullet, lacing needs work

Black and Splash pullets
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