Blue Andalusian thread!

Nice Birds guys!
I disagree with the previous post. Blue Andalusian. That's it. One variety. No Black, No Splash (use them in your Blue breeding program), and no Self-Blue (Lavender). Anything besides Blue doesn't conform to the standard. Once you digress down that road, you get 100% away from Andalusian Blue, with the even slate blue feathers edged in dark blue/black, which is the whole basis behind the breed.

It isn't broke, so please don't try to fix it! However, it would be great if we had more Blue Andalusian breeders working to perfect/refine the type and color, which when correct is absolutely gorgeous.

While this is of course, just my opinion, I feel this is the same with many of the other projects that are going on right now. There are number of recognized varieties out there in a number of breeds, both patterned and solid colors that need work. It would be a good idea if more people worked on the rarer accepted varieties instead of trying to create new varieties that probably won't ever be recognized.

If it's just for fun and you are doing it for your own enjoyment (after all, this is a hobby and supposed to be fun), fine, but let's not create new varieties just for the sake of seeing what we get when we cross X and Y together.
Following up on my earlier post, still no pics, but I do have a story to share....

Like I said before, I got 2 BA's awhile back, and gave them the same treatment as all my other chicks, and now they are about 8 weeks old and in the henhouse outside.
The other day, I was refilling the waterer in the henhouse, and while I was crouched down, the lighter of my 2 BA's fluttered onto my shoulder and stayed there for a moment. I was shocked! I was holding my 1 year old at the time and Lil' Blue (her name now) landed on the same side my son was on. Usually, when I refill, all the pullets present make a mad dash for the fresh water (as if they hadnt had water in months, nevermind I refill it everyday, whether its empty or not!) But Lil' Blue, decided to make a pit stop on my shoulder. I was so surprised and just sat stock still, holding my breath, waiting to see what would happen. After a moment she fluttered down for her drink and I left for the day.

The next day, I noticed her kinda hanging around my feet, not running off scared like all the other chicks (including the other BA I got when I got her) So I decided to put my hand out to her. Not only did she not run away, she walked a few steps towards my hand, looking for a treat maybe? I slowly put my hand towards Lil' Blue until it was under her belly, and still, she didnt move, just stood there like it was totally normal for me to do that. Of course I couldnt resist picking her up, and she didnt mind in the least! No wing flapping, or worried peeping, she just snuggled down in my hand and watched the world go by. After I finished my chores one-handed, I put her down and went back to the house.

Today I went out to do my usual chicken stuff, but I figured I'd see if yesterday was just a fluke thing. I walked up to her in the yard and she stopped walking around and just kinda cocked her head up at me like 'Well, are you gonna pick me up, or what?" Naturally I obliged her, and even put her on my shoulder for a moment. She didnt care much to play imitation parrot and immediately abandoned ship. I picked her up again, promising not to do that to her again, and she settled right down.

And here is the part where I officially become a crazy chicken lady- I brought her into my house! She LOVED it! She was nearly asleep in my hand by then so I decided to gently lower her to the floor. I figured she would want to walk around a bit after being carried around for almost 20 minutes. I was wrong! Not only did I have to push/dump her outta my hand, she promptly laid herself out on her side and tried to go back to sleep! I was starting to think she may be ill with how relaxed she was. My other boys, 5 and 3 years old were right there on the floor next to her, and she couldnt have cared less. We all started petting her, and you could just tell she loved it. Whe I scratched her neck a bit, she would stretch her neck waaaay out so I could scratch the whole thing! It was the cutest thing I ever saw. I even began thinking about chicken diapers at that point. I can really see how some folks have house chickens, if they are anything like this little pullet.

Now, I gotta tell ya, I am a fanatic about Jersey Giants, I love them, they are my breed of choice. But I have never, ever come across a chicken of any breed that has shown half as much affection, or such a high level of tameness as this one little bird. I have an absolute favorite in this chick! Maybe this is quite common for some of you guys out there, but in 2 years of having chickens, it is a first for me. I am almost afraid to get attatched to her because I'm worried something might happen to her and I wont have her anymore. But how could I not give her special attention? I'm so excited about this tuen of events, I just had to share!

I thought it would be one of my Jerseys that would take that special place in my heart as 'mommys special chicken', but I was wrong- Its a Blue Andalusian now named Lil' Blue, and I just love her!

Thanks for letting me chatter on. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few pictures soon so you guys can see my sweetie!
What a great story! I have had similar experiences with my Andalusian pullets. They are as friendly as my silkies and Cochins. My rooster is also very calm and loves to pose for pictures! Every time he sees me with the camera, he will just stand there and "pose" until I am done. Where did you get yours from? Maybe that has something to do with it. I guess some lines are just calmer than others. Good luck with your new fav. breed

My rooster "Blue" posing:

He free-ranges with my EE's at the moment, disregard the ratty tail. (He thinks he is very handsome)
mopargal: did he get a little frostbitten? I have a couple of BAs that have that nubby look to their combs because of it and am wondering what others in the northern climes are doing to prevent it?

My BAs are very friendly too.
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wow nice to see pictures of others birds, we too have a group of Blue Andalusians but they are all this years hatch. We just mixed our group of 8(hatched May 22, 2010) with a group of 2 BW/W Ameracuanas and 2 Welsummers(hatched April 29th, 2010) and they are getting along pretty well. We also have 3 hens that were hatched earlier in the year that our DD(10 years) had gotten from a local breeder to use for fair this year- she started out with 6 but the 2 roosters and 1 hen didn't make it

They sure can be loud when you pick them up to hold them!

I've heard people suggest vasoline to help protect the combs in cold weather.
Yes he did
I had heat lamps in the coop, but it wasn't enough. I really would be interested to hear what others have done to prevent frostbite.

Maybe this is a new business oppotunity- Rooster comb covers! Like a little red hat with points tha has like a head harness and a chin (under the beak
) strap? If someone can come up with and design chicken diapers and saddles, why not a comb warmer?!?!?

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