Blue Andalusian thread!

It's just an opinion but I agree with Cochinman. Andalusians do have a distinct type different from Minorca. Leghorn or Spanish but their claim to fame is the blue color. So much that good color on a blue Andalusian is the Standard against which blue color in general is compared.
my DD showed her Blue Andalusian pullet "Blueberry" at the Dane Co Fair here mid July and she took standard Champion, my DD was very surprised as this is her first year showing poultry. I'll try and upload a picture a little later.

Way to go hens and roos DD and Blueberry.
Cant wait to see pictures.
Here are a couple of pictures from our fair.



DD also has 8 babies that were hatched out of eggs from Okiehen are 2 months old now and she has 3 cockerals and 5 pullets-we'll have to get some updated pictures to show. One of the boys is starting to try and crow.
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We actually found a breeder in WI through our 4-H club poultry leader and the bird that my DD won champion standard with is from his stock! I do agree it was hard to find birds that weren't from a hatchery.

Here are the 2 boys hatched at the end of May 2010:
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I agree - I got some from McMurray and have good body type and color (I think), but the combs are not as described in the standard. I'm breeding the best ones and culling hard, but wish I could just find a local breeder with quality birds instead.
same thing I am doing here. The heads tho seem to be a bit crowish to me also and the combs are not quite right 6 - 7 points when the SOP calls for 5 but have a pullet that has great coloration but that is the last thing one trys to get right. A few of the Cockrels have red in earlobes which is another problem. There is some work to do in these ie lots and lots of culling. I did get a real big body on a splash with a better head but comb is totaly screwed up with bent points. Culling the correct ones is a job and a half.

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