Blue Andalusian thread!

Our Andalusian roos were a little precocious: they were crowing at five days old. In soprano.

This is my first try at posting pictures! *fingers crossed*

This was my free rare chick in my order this spring... I was told it may be a blue andalusian. What do you think???
Well, at least you knew sooner than later! Ours is really pushy and fast, but thus far, no crowing. Silly me- still trying to hang on to some hope that it's a she.

At least no more of the feather eating and terrorizing problems to this point. <knock on wood>

Anyone else have early crowing experience?
Well, at least you knew sooner than later! Ours is really pushy and fast, but thus far, no crowing. Silly me- still trying to hang on to some hope that it's a she.

At least no more of the feather eating and terrorizing problems to this point. <knock on wood>

Anyone else have early crowing experience?

I've had one crow at like 4 hours old! He was still wet!

~ Aspen
I am so glad to find this thread! I am the proud mamma to a solid and a splash BAs. Mine have been really kind of laid fact the solid one is always on my heels following me around. If I ignore her she will fuss.

I have some chicks from my Andalusians that are very nice...only thing is they are half Polish. I have a really creative SL roo who found a way into the coop..which is why his name is Chaos and he lives up to his name faithfully! The BAs REALLY liked him.
I thought..well..let's just see what the chicks would look like. They are beautiful! No crest but they do have what looks like a little mohawk.
Kinda of how a Sumatra's looks like. One thing for sure...the blue gene is VERY dominant. out of 10 eggs I hatched...all of them are a steel blue..actually a little darker then my blue BA.

Chaos now resides with my GL Polish...but I still catch him stealing a look at my little BA girls.
Too funny! We haven't had any crowing, and things are not any more pink than they were before. Still keeping my fingers crossed, lol.

Sadly, he has an agressive problem. He keeps flogging the little'ns so he must go to freezer camp.

~ Aspen

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