Blue Andalusian thread!

My roo is black, so I'll be hatching some blue babies in the future! So excited! I've been thinking my oldest son could use their chicks/lines/etc for a science fair project on genetics. And this birds are so sweet and gently, maybe they could be 4H projects for my kids. I don't know anything about 4H, but it seems like it would be fun!
Well, we had an exciting morning.
Looks like this one may actually be a boy.
We had some strangled sounds this morning that sounded like an attempt at crowing. Only twice, though, around 6:30.

Anyone have pullets who did this?
I've heard of hens trying to crow, but trying to sort out when I'll know absolutely for sure I need to get rid of it.

A bit on the sad side this morning. Meh.
Im hoping some one can help me... I have what I belive to be 3 andalusian roos.(i dont have any good pics of one of them.)
But here they are.. Tell me what you think!

this one Ive been wondering about.. it doesnt crow.. or not that I have heard anyways... Its got what looks to be little spurs but i have been told some hens get spurs...

This was my head rooster but he attacked my daughter so he is in "rooster prison right now."




This is the one I have with my hens right now until can find him an andalusian hen flock
Hes with Easter Eggers rightnow.. They havent started laying yet..
, they do look like the Andalusians that my DD has. Are all the birds the same age in the pictures, as the hens start laying their combs will flop to one side-which is acceptable for the breed.
These must be at least close to pure Andalusians. The second one does look very hen-ish to me. I am not surprised it does not crow. Hope you get nice eggs from "her".
I should have read this post along time ago.. because I had to cull him/her... Fighting with my roosters and my other hens... Now Im gonna cry even more if it was a hen!!!! OMGOSH what did I do?!?!?!
get some more?

Im going to.. But right now I need focus on getting over the pain of shooting him/her... I thought I had three roosters.... Oh gosh i feel so horrible....

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