Blue Andalusian thread!

get some more?

Im going to.. But right now I need focus on getting over the pain of shooting him/her... I thought I had three roosters.... Oh gosh i feel so horrible....

Lets just hope you did at least consume him/her and it was delicious. It's ok! You are by far not the first/only person that did this. And after all it was a chicken! I love my chickens! But I am not getting as attached to them as I am to my furry animals. Mostly because the likelyhood of a chicken dying of something else than old age is much greater than with furry things. And I don't want to be devastated on a regular basis...
Im going to.. But right now I need focus on getting over the pain of shooting him/her... I thought I had three roosters.... Oh gosh i feel so horrible....

Lets just hope you did at least consume him/her and it was delicious. It's ok! You are by far not the first/only person that did this. And after all it was a chicken! I love my chickens! But I am not getting as attached to them as I am to my furry animals. Mostly because the likelyhood of a chicken dying of something else than old age is much greater than with furry things. And I don't want to be devastated on a regular basis...

Well no I didnt consume him/her.. I couldnt after raising it from a hatchling to 5 months theres no way and after seeing it get culled.. I couldnt theres no way... I raise mine for eggs and breeding thats it.. I have never owned chickens before these.. (Plus I dont care for chicken meat to dry for my taste.) You more than welcome to come eat him/her he was shot so you would have to pick the bullet out of the meat.. As my chickens are pets to me and I have a rather small flock in the first place.. It was alot easier for me to get attached.. Im an animal lover and I just couldnt please forgive me for not eating him..
Lets just hope you did at least consume him/her and it was delicious. It's ok! You are by far not the first/only person that did this. And after all it was a chicken! I love my chickens! But I am not getting as attached to them as I am to my furry animals. Mostly because the likelyhood of a chicken dying of something else than old age is much greater than with furry things. And I don't want to be devastated on a regular basis...

Well no I didnt consume him/her.. I couldnt after raising it from a hatchling to 5 months theres no way and after seeing it get culled.. I couldnt theres no way... I raise mine for eggs and breeding thats it.. I have never owned chickens before these.. (Plus I dont care for chicken meat to dry for my taste.) You more than welcome to come eat him/her he was shot so you would have to pick the bullet out of the meat.. As my chickens are pets to me and I have a rather small flock in the first place.. It was alot easier for me to get attached.. Im an animal lover and I just couldnt please forgive me for not eating him..

Goodness, I totally understand! (especially if you don't like chicken meat in the first place
). That is hard! You love them and then have to cull them... If you are not in a "rooster restricted" area why not keep them until you find a good home? I have a pen just for roosters (16 of them right now, different ages) and they get along just fine. I keep them though to get them old enough for consumption
. But I tell the cockerels from day one that they might end up being enjoyed in a different way. It's all a thing of preference! That's the beauty about this. You do exactly as YOU want to and feel comfortable!
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Well no I didnt consume him/her.. I couldnt after raising it from a hatchling to 5 months theres no way and after seeing it get culled.. I couldnt theres no way... I raise mine for eggs and breeding thats it.. I have never owned chickens before these.. (Plus I dont care for chicken meat to dry for my taste.) You more than welcome to come eat him/her he was shot so you would have to pick the bullet out of the meat.. As my chickens are pets to me and I have a rather small flock in the first place.. It was alot easier for me to get attached.. Im an animal lover and I just couldnt please forgive me for not eating him..

Goodness, I totally understand! (especially if you don't like chicken meat in the first place
). That is hard! You love them and then have to cull them... If you are not in a "rooster restricted" area why not keep them until you find a good home? I have a pen just for roosters (16 of them right now, different ages) and they get along just fine. I keep them though to get them old enough for consumption
. But I tell the cockerels from day one that they might end up being enjoyed in a different way. It's all a thing of preference! That's the beauty about this. You do exactly as YOU want to and feel comfortable!

, it happens sometimes it is hard to know, if the chicken was causing problems or being mean sometimes it is for the best, I know on other threads there is talk that meaness can be passed on to offspring.
I had him pinned with another of my roos who picked on him terriably (So much so he had lost almost all of his beautiful tail feathers...) So i decided to let him back in with my small flock.. ( I had let him out several times. all with the same results.) So in the best intrest of him and my small flock I took the big step to end not only his suffering but those around him. I live on 3 acreas in the country so roos I dont have a problem keeping. I just dont want mean ones. I was suppose to cull 2 of them today which would leave me 4/ original 6 that we bought. 1 roo and 3 hens.. But after the first one we culled (Nermal) I cant take the pain of doing it again. So (Bobby) he will live the rest of his life with us. Never again will I cull another rooster or chicken or animal period unless I know hes going to die(In this case he probally would have.) I tried to plug my ears and walk away but right before the shot I turned to let him know he wasnt alone. I let him eat scrambled eggs and tomatoes (His favorite) and than picked him up in my arms and held him close and walked him(what seemed like forever) to the his final resting place and my dh had the shot gun load and ended it there. My dh let me say my goodbyes and let me bury him. (My poor dh felt so bad.) I cried myself to sleep afterwards. I know it sounds rediculus but he was gentle with me.. Just not with my flock.
I think from time to time we all run into different and difficult situations and we have to make hard choices and do what we think is best for us.... that is what you did and I don't think anyone can fault you for it
we all look at our pets differently and that makes us unique!
I think from time to time we all run into different and difficult situations and we have to make hard choices and do what we think is best for us.... that is what you did and I don't think anyone can fault you for it
we all look at our pets differently and that makes us unique!

Thanks Hens an Roos you sure have made my day alittle better.
I really hope that I dont have to cull another for as long as I own chickens thats for sure. I really appreciate you making me feel tons better.
You deff got a smile from me today. Which hasnt been easy to do. And Nermal will forever have a special place in my heart. and Bobby will forever have a special place just for him(and someday a flock of hens of his own.) Thank all who have comforted me today as hard as its been you all have made it easier to bare. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hello there! Thought i'd post pictures of our Blue Andalusian. If it wasn't for these pictures here/around the net and that she has never ever crowed I would think she is a he based on the huge comb and waddles this breed has.

I was wondering, how long did it take for your Blue Andalusians to start laying eggs? How do they fair in winter? Ours is 26-27 weeks old and has yet to lay an egg (she's the only white egg layer in our flock).

These pictures were taken on the 5th, so about 3 weeks ago. She has had the red comb and waddles for a long time now.


Very Pretty! I think that ours started somewhere between 5-6 months, also we are now getting into decreased daylight hours so it might take a bit longer. She looks like she might be close as her comb looks to be starting to flop- which is okay for it to do. Has she started checking out the nesting box yet? Do you have any roosters with the girls- usually the boys will start chasing the girls as they are starting to get close to laying age.
Very Pretty! I think that ours started somewhere between 5-6 months, also we are now getting into decreased daylight hours so it might take a bit longer. She looks like she might be close as her comb looks to be starting to flop- which is okay for it to do. Has she started checking out the nesting box yet? Do you have any roosters with the girls- usually the boys will start chasing the girls as they are starting to get close to laying age.

Thanks for the reply! I remember her checking out the nest boxes a few weeks ago but I haven't been spending as much time out there lately. She is one of only 3-4 left not laying out of 9 chickens. They are all around the same hatch date. We are also supplementing light both morning and evening to keep them feeding longer.

I noticed her comb is falling more and more to the side so maybe that means she is getting closer
. The picture i posted was from nearly a month ago now.

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