Blue Andalusian thread!

Awesome! I hope they do well for you. My experience with shipped eggs is no matter how careful the mailman is, the airsacs still can get dislodged a bit. What I do is candle them once they arrive. You can detect hairline cracks that way and see the 'loose' aircells. If there are cracks, I usually discard them. If there are dislodged airsacs, then I don't turn the eggs at all for at least the first 1-2 weeks. Keep them in the turner pointed end down though. The loose airsac will migrate to the 'top' no matter how the egg is laid, so if it is laid on the side, the sac will be on the side. I recandle each week. Once the airsac is staying put, I resume turning. Just becareful in your candleing. Once the embryo starts growing you don't want to dislodge it while you are turning the egg for candling. I don't know everyone else's methods. Hope that all made some sense. I just thought I'd give my experience, since your eggs are traveling so far. Good luck and keep us updated!
Me and shipped eggs have a long relationship...not always a productive
The first batch of eggs I got from Cochinman2005 I let rest for 24 hours, I incubated for 7 days with the egg turners off in an upright position. Not one vein developed. I think the egg yolks were blown or something. This next batch we are going to ship in a Live chick box so I am hoping they will not be put in the main cargo section but placed in a pressurized compartment that they would put live chicks in. Then I will follow my normal "shipped egg protocol".
So, does anyone have pics of stock from Butch Gunderson? I've been eyeing his page for about a year, but want to see better pics of what the offspring look like. His pics are too small for me to get an idea of what they look like.
Has anyone heard from him at all? I was corresponding with him when I began my quest for blue andalusians but then he stopped responding to emails. I too wanted to see more pictures of his birds. I even called his number on his site and left a message, and more emails a couple months later but not a peep. I hope he is ok?
So, does anyone have pics of stock from Butch Gunderson? I've been eyeing his page for about a year, but want to see better pics of what the offspring look like. His pics are too small for me to get an idea of what they look like.

Butch has some of the best Andalusians in the country.
Has anyone heard from him at all? I was corresponding with him when I began my quest for blue andalusians but then he stopped responding to emails. I too wanted to see more pictures of his birds. I even called his number on his site and left a message, and more emails a couple months later but not a peep. I hope he is ok?
I know he gets super busy with going and judging at shows plus all the stock he takes care of at his place.
I corresponded with him some about a year ago, and got decently timely replies. I don't remember if it was show season or not. Word is that he has the best, but I still want to see the 'proof'.
I am really interested in his White-faced Black Spanish. Ugh, gotta get to building pens.
Me and shipped eggs have a long relationship...not always a productive
The first batch of eggs I got from Cochinman2005 I let rest for 24 hours, I incubated for 7 days with the egg turners off in an upright position. Not one vein developed. I think the egg yolks were blown or something. This next batch we are going to ship in a Live chick box so I am hoping they will not be put in the main cargo section but placed in a pressurized compartment that they would put live chicks in. Then I will follow my normal "shipped egg protocol".
Good luck with that. I hope that the P.O. handles it with the care due live babies.
When I was corresponding with Butch I asked if he had any more pic of his birds that I could see and that was when correspondence stopped. I was so worried I had offended him by asking. Still not sure but I hope not.
I have never been to a show so not really sure when show season is but isn't spring hatching season? I was emailing him starting in January this year.
Its all ok, I am really happy to be getting eggs from Tom Roebuck. His birds look fabulous!
It still be nice to see better examples of his 'show' birds. Someone's word that they are some of the best in the country is great and all, but I'd still like to see that for myself. Just my thoughts
I just got 30+ eggs from Tom Roebuck (cochinman2005) and they look great!!

The first box of eggs I got from him were all scrambled in the mail I think. This time he sent them in a live chick box in the hopes that the post office would treat them better if the box was marked "live birds" and when I candled them I did not see a single look air cell. I have a really good feeling about these ones. Cant wait!!!

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