Blue Australorp breeder (on very small scale) all the way from Western Australia

If a Blue Australorp breeds with a Black Australorp, what will the offspring be?
Blue to black will throw approximately 50% blue and 50% black. The more you do it the darker the blue gets. Blue to blue gives 25% black, 50% blue and 25% splash. Splash to black gives 100% blue. Splash to splash gives 100% splash. Only splash or black breeds true. But in most breeds splash is not a showable colour! Go figure?!
Glad you joined us!
Pretty birds, but they have way too much red leakage on the hackles to be quality Blue Australorps. Go to page one on this thread to see some nice Blue Australorp pullets and cockerels. If you are not showing or beeding then it really does not matter, just enjoy your chooks.
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Hi CB & CG,

My name is Jacqui Jones living in Lancelin. I have a very small flock of chooks & would like to purchase some Blue Australorp hens.
Not really sure how to use this site yet. Wondering if this is how I communicate. Mmmmm :)
Hi from Victoria Australia :) i have a Blue Australorp Bantam and it took me two months to discover her breed......

She looks terrible as she's molting
i am looking for more if anyone knows where they or fertile eggs can be scoured that would be very helpful.
oh and her Name it Cat, because she was such a scaredy Cat when i first got her, dont blame her, poor baby had inflected legs from mites....... Almost completely healed up :)

This is what her feet looked liked when i first got her. I sadly do not have an updated photo.


Would like to buy blue or black Australorp ckickens. Do you courier chickens to Narrogin? If so how much each and minimum number required to purchase?

Bob Evans


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