Pics please of the new babies
Subscribing because I WILL have some Australorps from Kurt (but not this season
) I have already been hit by chicken math hard
I can watch everyone else with theirs though
Pics please of the new babies
Subscribing because I WILL have some Australorps from Kurt (but not this season
) I have already been hit by chicken math hard
I can watch everyone else with theirs though

Sorry, this hatching ended up being a dud. I will hatch eggs from my own flock towards the fall. It's getting too hot here now to do it.

The eggs from Kurt were fertile, but I think that the problem was the crazy temp swings that we were having down here. This week the temps are supposed to be up in the 90's, and they are predicting that the higher heats will hit us early this year.
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I bought a dozen of these. They were shipped 2000 miles in variable temps and a post office screw up delayed their arrival from Thursday until Monday. They all made it intact and I have 8 eggs developing right on track. With everything those poor eggs had to go through to get to me, I am very happy with that rate! Zero problems with packaging, none of the troubles were Kurt's fault, and obviously I had some healthy, tough eggs sent to me. His breeding stock is so gorgeous I can't wait to see them when they hatch.
Kurt - are you all done hatching for 2017? Do you ship chicks or just hatching eggs?

I just purchased 14 blue & splash chicks from the feed store, from Privett Hatchery in NM. I LOVE watching these little guys and seriously thinking about getting breeder stock. Will need to learn more about that end of the business - right now I run 3 different coops with a mix of hatchery pullets/hens laying eggs. Every now and then, I do end up with barnyard mix chix - such as the bantam in my avatar.

Even with our hatchery BAs (had 2 previously and now have a different 1), the personality's and the egg laying rates are wonderful! If breeder birds are even better and the meat is goood too, then this is what I need to continue on with rather than buying new hatchery chicks every couple of years.

Trying to decide what breed I want to stick with for breeding sustainability and I'm really liking the Australorps. I LOVE blue and splash birds! Not in a hurry to buy & if you only do eggs, then I will need to learn about incubating before I can go that route...

Sending you a PM as well

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