Blue, black or splash orpingtons?


9 Years
Mar 7, 2014
Rhode Island
Hi! We just got our chicks from and I have figured out who is the australorp, the buff orp, and the barred rock, but I have two blue/black/splash orp chicks that I don't know what they will turn out to be. One is slightly lighter in color than the australorp but still a dark chick with yellow underside, and one is a uniform pale almost greenish gray. Can anyone tell me what colors these two will turn out to be?

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The first one you described seems to be blue and the second splash, could you post some pics?
Okay just got photos :)

First one in question is the one in the middle: I think the barred rock head is in front, and the australorp is in back (distinctive facial markings, deep black, just a bit smaller than the orps)

This one off by herself is the other one in question. I think it's an australorp looking at her, and the barred rock is laying down.

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Okay just got photos :)

First one in question is the one in the middle: I think the barred rock head is in front, and the australorp is in back (distinctive facial markings, deep black, just a bit smaller than the orps)

This one off by herself is the other one in question. I think it's an australorp looking at her, and the barred rock is laying down.

Any idea what they will be? Should I post this in a different part of the forum, or is this the right place? Thanks so much if you can help us figure this out!

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