Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

I am new to Marans, and I only have a young pair. A critique please? I just realized I don't have a good side view of my cockerel. I will try to capture a good side view of him.

How old are they? Looking at the pictures they seem to have more growing to do and that will bring changes. From reading the thread it sounds like Marans will continue to change even after a year old. Your boy seems to be showing some coloring coming in around the neck- it will be interesting to see what the next few weeks/months bring. Maybe some pictures of their top side(take the picture looking down at the top of the bird) this would show width. Hopefully others will stop in and give you some more ideas.
These are my two new Blue Copper pullets. Just wanted to share.

I am new to Marans, and I only have a young pair. A critique please? I just realized I don't have a good side view of my cockerel. I will try to capture a good side view of him.
I love the little pullet! She is a beauty....if'n you don't want her you could send right on over to Washington State to live at my house. :love By the way.........I believe she is Birchen Marans.
Popping in to send out a HELLO to everyone......hope you are doing super!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend!

hi! how is school?

question.....birchens- do they have color or pattern on the breast of the pullets? that pullet above looks to have some pattern. I think one of the pullets I hatched has some silver on her breast....thinking she is a cull- yes or no?

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