Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

Hi Pink
, we still have the 1 blue copper marans hen hatched from some of your eggs a few years back! currently no rooster to pair with her.
Yea, and they are from a breeder around here, wonder if the feed store got them mixed up? Maybe I will end up getting some pure! I sure hope so, I so want to start breeding pure breeds instead of mixes.

They look identical to some Marans that I hatched out a couple years ago for my friend......this actually happens more in some lines of Marans vs. others. I personally have only seen this happen in Jeanne line birds. I bred Davis birds exclusively for a few years before bringing in new blood and not once did these types of birds pop up. Even after I brought in different birds, I still didn't see it. Only when I brought in birds from Jeanne lines.
Hi Pink :frow , we still have the 1 blue copper marans hen hatched from some of your eggs a few years back!  currently no rooster to pair with her.

Hi Lady!

I hope she is doing great! I hope you are doing great! Both of us are in the same boat....we only have 1 blue copper hen. Neighbors dog got my splash hen the other day while we were at school. I don't have a rooster either, but I do have about 5 young cockerels in the brooder. I am very excited to see them grow out.
Must and work today! Be well my friend!

I miss this place and all my chickie buddies!
Usually, females tend to feather faster than males, however, by the age of 10 days to 2 weeks, these small distinctions are no longer noticeable. Many will say that this natural trait is not natural and is bred for....I say yes and no. I bred my birds specifically for the fast slow feathering genes, once I figured out which males and females to use over each other to keep the trait strong and true. Now....I also raised Welsummers and Wellies are sexable at hatch due to color and pattern characteristics, I would hatch babies from Marans and Wellies at the same time and study them as they grew out. I did not breed my Wellies for the fast/slow feathering genes.....the females and males from both breeds all showed the same natural characteristics, females from both breeds feathered in faster than the males. In my experience, females tail feathers, primary and secondary flights and shoulder feathers will start to show earlier than males and as I stated above, by about 2 weeks these differences are less noticeable because the boys catch up. Then again, by this age the males combs are usually a dead give away. Now...all that said, there are some males that fool a person for a long time....til they crow.
thanks for your thoughts on that (I was away for a few days)
In the past I have purchased chicks, now I have shipped marans eggs in the incubator - if anything hatches...
Another oddity. We aim to entertain at least with all the weirdness here. This blue copper chick has a brick-red spot on its head. The second photo is from a BCM x SS chick with the same red dot. Opinions on the red like this? They are both on the left side of the head, the blue's spot is more on the fore-brow.

I hatched a few like that... not sure what they looked like... I think they were over colored. Vicki had one and it turned out nice.... just tag them and watch them.
Hello! Just received 3 blue copper maran chicks, 5 days old. I was wondering if tail feather sexing is correct? I have two with no tail feathers and one with about 5 tail feathers. Any ideas?

Thanks!! =)

Not acurate. Combs are a better gauge. Both can have slow feathering genes.

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