Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

These are part of my Splash and Black Copper pen. Still on the fence on what I want to do. I just keep bouncing around from one idea to another - Forget doing Blacks and go for Blues and Splash? Black and Splash separately with some Black and Blues in with the Splash? I think it will come down to what I want to overwinter on a consistent basis. This winter has made downsizing for the next a priority for me. I'll keep only the best of the best. I've had no sickness or lost any birds this winter so I feel good about that given the weather.

These are part of my Splash and Black Copper pen. Still on the fence on what I want to do. I just keep bouncing around from one idea to another - Forget doing Blacks and go for Blues and Splash? Black and Splash separately with some Black and Blues in with the Splash? I think it will come down to what I want to overwinter on a consistent basis. This winter has made downsizing for the next a priority for me. I'll keep only the best of the best. I've had no sickness or lost any birds this winter so I feel good about that given the weather.

haha, that sounds so familiar.. so eventually i decided to keep them all in one pen and keep notes on who is who, then when i want to make blacks i take out the ones
that only have black in their history... kinda gets hard to track though, glad i have excel :)

your birds look lovely!!!
These are part of my Splash and Black Copper pen. Still on the fence on what I want to do. I just keep bouncing around from one idea to another - Forget doing Blacks and go for Blues and Splash? Black and Splash separately with some Black and Blues in with the Splash? I think it will come down to what I want to overwinter on a consistent basis. This winter has made downsizing for the next a priority for me. I'll keep only the best of the best. I've had no sickness or lost any birds this winter so I feel good about that given the weather.

Nice looking birds. Boy those splash sure blend in with the snow, eh?
These are part of my Splash and Black Copper pen. Still on the fence on what I want to do. I just keep bouncing around from one idea to another - Forget doing Blacks and go for Blues and Splash? Black and Splash separately with some Black and Blues in with the Splash? I think it will come down to what I want to overwinter on a consistent basis. This winter has made downsizing for the next a priority for me. I'll keep only the best of the best. I've had no sickness or lost any birds this winter so I feel good about that given the weather.
I have one pen for BCM and one pen for the blue coppers. I don't know what I'll do when the splash grow up.
Quote: I love the Black Coppers. They are what I think of when I think of a chicken and a rooster and were my first 'must have' bird and still seem to be. I think if I had to choose just one breed they'd be it over my Legbars but I want to keep the Splash as they are just so beautiful and I like the challenge of working on egg color and type. I just learnt about Golden Cuckoos and can sense myself wanting to participate in some chicken math. I'll investigate but I really don't need to take on any more at this point. I think I will do similar to what Runawaylobster has done. I keep them but separate them in the warm months and then if I have to I'll house them together for winter if it comes down to it. I think I'll do some blues to just to see what I get but if I can keep both the Black and the Splash that'll be perfection for me. I had planned on doing a spreadsheet this year and really streamline my breeding records so I better get started.
haha, that sounds so familiar.. so eventually i decided to keep them all in one pen and keep notes on who is who, then when i want to make blacks i take out the ones
that only have black in their history... kinda gets hard to track though, glad i have excel :)

your birds look lovely!!!
Any comments about short vs long legs, especially on the roosters?

I don't really get a sense for that when I read the Marans club standards (didn't look carefully?), but it seems like the illustrations show a big bird with short legs.

I really like the look of a longer leg with the overall proportions of the Marans rooster.

On another note, any comments about white wing tips as chicks feather in?

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