Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

Thanks for the input. I think I agree with you and am beginning to lean towards just 1 of 4 being pullets or all roos. It is a bummer because I hatched 8 splash copper marans chicks 6 wks ago and of those I have at least 3 roos. I was hoping 1 of this last set would be a black copper pullet so I could have 2 differently colored pens.
If I wanted to start a flock of blues would it be better to go with a blue rooster hatched from a BCM dark #7 egg that had a splash father from a lighter egg - about a 4/5 or go with a blue hatched from a 4/5 egg from a splash hen sired by a BCM rooster from a dark #7 egg.
If I wanted to start a flock of blues would it be better to go with a blue rooster hatched from a BCM dark #7 egg that had a splash father from a lighter egg - about a 4/5 or go with a blue hatched from a 4/5 egg from a splash hen sired by a BCM rooster from a dark #7 egg.

I would go with the one that hatched from the darker egg.
If I wanted to start a flock of blues would it be better to go with a blue rooster hatched from a BCM dark #7 egg that had a splash father from a lighter egg - about a 4/5 or go with a blue hatched from a 4/5 egg from a splash hen sired by a BCM rooster from a dark #7 egg.
In your strategy, why is it okay for the splash parent (whether it is a rooster or a hen) to have the lighter egg shell color?
If I missed something, please redirect me =)
I was not saying it was okay I was asking a question on whether the darker egg should be from which the rooster hatched or from the rooster it was sired by. The Splash hens I have lay a lighter egg than the BCM Marans hens I have. I have one male BCM from a nice dark egg and 1 Splash Roo from a lighter egg. If I get a blue from a dark egg it's sired by the splash and if I get a blue from the lighter egg it's sired by the black. I'm thinking of maintaining a blue and splash flock as opposed to a black copper flock.
I was not saying it was okay I was asking a question on whether the darker egg should be from which the rooster hatched or from the rooster it was sired by. The Splash hens I have lay a lighter egg than the BCM Marans hens I have. I have one male BCM from a nice dark egg and 1 Splash Roo from a lighter egg. If I get a blue from a dark egg it's sired by the splash and if I get a blue from the lighter egg it's sired by the black. I'm thinking of maintaining a blue and splash flock as opposed to a black copper flock.
thanks for that.

I am running a blue and black flock, and am also trying to manage egg color, without your feather considerations.

When I first read your note I was wondering if you have any thoughts on the role the Roo plays in influencing darker egg color.
In a case similar to yours, where someone is choosing between medium and darker matches for unrelated pairings, I thought I've read that a Roo from a darker egg would improve egg color more than his sisters would?

If I understand DMRippy correctly, the suggestion seems to be that the egg color of the hen is the primary consideration?
Both parents contribute EQUALLY to egg color. I suggested that roo because he came from a dark egg. If you want to improve egg color you need to just set dark eggs. that way all your chicks come from darker eggs and will improve color when they start laying.

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