Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

Ok, just a few pics of the younguns out in a bigger pen for the first time. Not great photos, but got a few to show their progress. They aren't standing too confidently yet, but they will as the get more comfortable, but it at least gives an idea of what's growing out from the first 10 chicks. They are 9 weeks old by the way.

Splash Cockerel - He's the spitting image of his poppa (Big Boy in my Avatar) when he was that age.

Black copper cockerel, color is coming in nicely. I really do believe as I'm watching him develop, that he is the last son out of Gigantor. Same type and build.

Not a great shot, but this is the two dark blue cockerels and the two blue pullets. They are coming along really nicely. In this batch I have 3 splash pullets and in the next batch that's hatching right now, so far I have 23 splash, so certainly will have plenty of pullets for these two males to pair with and will balance the blue in their offspring.

Blue copper pullet's color coming in nicely.

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Very nice and would like to have some like this to work with. You have some great looking Marans.
Thanks Don, I love the challenge of them and the focus and sometimes ruthlessness they require to get to the direction they need to go to be excellent quality. I started with a bunch of hatching eggs from several different breeders and what I'm finally seeing 5 years plus later is the result of that ruthless culling and blending of the few chicks I did get to hatch from those shipped eggs. I culled a whole lot of those chicks from shipped in eggs without them ever making it to a breeding program because they just had too many issues to use. Almost gave up a few times too, but I just love this breed.
The young ones are showing some pretty decent promise I think....what do you think? for 10 chicks, I am very pleased with the overall quality I'm seeing in them.
Quote: Vicki, I think you have done a great job with these Marans, The young birds picture above really look great.

The Marans in general have went down hill since they were accepted by the APA. There is really a need for more serious breeders to come along and be willing to hatch and cull enough to improve the breed. We will end up with around 50 BC to grow out . Don
No worries about asking questions, that's what this place is for. The chicks get weekly sprig checks and are clean. The points on the splash is just uneven points, not ideal, but when working forward, I look at the overall and with each generation focus on improving even down to the tiniest detail. The crop.....hahaha....I call him Hog...because he eats and eats and eats like a pig. This was taken after I had just fed them. Its the only time he looks like this.
Ihilani here's a couple shots I took on my crap cell phone a few minutes ago. Not great shots but, for utility they work

Here's the black copper cockerel's comb, he's pretty dang clean on his comb.

Here's Hog without his crop filled to the point of explosion haha. You can also see his uneven points on his comb better in these shots. I've raised many breeds of poultry over the last 30+ years and uneven point combs, as long as you are mindful in the matings, if the bird is good quality in body type, etc they are worth working with. Just takes patience and with as nice as he is coming along, I have no qualms in using him in a program. Selecting the best combs of his offspring is a small thing to do if this type continues. It also helps I take regular photos of chicks from the time they hatch out of the shell (including photos of the shell color they hatch out of), to when they make it to breeding pens and regular notes in a breeders book. Most of the info I keep in my head (my friends make fun of me a lot), but these all help with being able to set a breeding program into a positive direction as well as being able to go back and have reference in the case that something odd crops up and etc.

Vicki~ I miss my blues and splashes so much I hesitated looking ;). But, I love your birds soooooooo much I had to look, and they look fantastic!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, and where you have brought your birds! Great eye! Great job!
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