Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

Hi all,
I'm quit new at raising chickens, Since the beginning of May.
That is Bella, my blue copper marans, she's 5 months.
Would love to read your toughs.
When did your girls started laying?

Hi all, I'm quit new at raising chickens, Since the beginning of May. That is Bella, my blue copper marans, she's 5 months. Would love to read your toughs. When did your girls started laying?
Welcome!! Bella is lovely, just like her name. She should begin laying soon. If I recall, my girls were something like 26-28 weeks before laying. Not sure if Marans are known for laying later or if it was just mine.
And another question, the lady I am purchasing my Blue Copper Marans from says I have the choice of either pure bred Blue Copper Marans, or part Black marans and part Blue copper Marans? What would you get? I want dark eggs, but I also want to breed them a little bit as well.

Hi CuzChickens, if you get a mixed Marans (part Marans bred with another type chicken) dark eggs will not be likely- Not to the darkness of true Marans.
If you ever get into breeding and wanting to sell them, you will want pure Marans.
If you are simply looking for their dark beautiful eggs, you will still want the pure Marans. A true Marans will always be a 4 or darker on egg color scale to be classified as true Marans. Good luck on your chicken purchase and send us photos.
Hi CuzChickens, if you get a mixed Marans (part Marans bred with another type chicken) dark eggs will not be likely- Not to the darkness of true Marans.
If you ever get into breeding and wanting to sell them, you will want pure Marans.
If you are simply looking for their dark beautiful eggs, you will still want the pure Marans. A true Marans will always be a 4 or darker on egg color scale to be classified as true Marans. Good luck on your chicken purchase and send us photos.
Thanks for the reply! She would not be breeding a Maran and a different breed together, she would be breeding a Blue Copper Maran with a Black copper Maran. Does the above statement still apply?
Hello guys! I am planning on getting some Blue Copper Marans in a few months, so I guess I need to start learning! I have a question, if I cross a Blue Ameraucana with a Blue Copper Maran, will I get a Blue auto-sexing Olive egger?
Hi Cuz, I'm not expert on breeding. There are those on this site who are wonderful resources. But what I do know is that the blue Cooper Marans do not breed true. If a blue Marans is bred with another blue Marans, theoretically will get 50% blue, 25%black, and 25% splash. It could be possible would be same if bred with blue Ameraucana.
At, she is an expert in Marans and goes into great detail explaining the breeding genetics.
Hi Cuz, I'm not expert on breeding. There are those on this site who are wonderful resources. But what I do know is that the blue Cooper Marans do not breed true. If a blue Marans is bred with another blue Marans, theoretically will get 50% blue, 25%black, and 25% splash. It could be possible would be same if bred with blue Ameraucana.
At, she is an expert in Marans and goes into great detail explaining the breeding genetics.
Thank you for your answer, I will check out the site.
This is Copper now. I'm loving the way he's feathering out!
He is beautiful!! We hatched 7 Copper Marans from 2 Blue Copper Marans. 1 of the 3 roosters is showing promise in his colors. Thanks for showing the transformation.
Howdy, folks! I tried to do a read back of the whole thread, but ran out of steam somewhere around page 130. I have some delightful copper marans I got from Eight Acres this spring - all blues except one splash and two blacks. As they grew, I ended up with four pullets (three blue copper and one black copper), and five cockerels (three blue copper, one black copper, one splash). As I already have my hands full with a number of other projects, and am a victim of chicken math, I had decided that I wasn't going to keep any cockerels, and just keep the pullets for laying. But the splash cockerel ended up being impressive enough to me that I decided to keep him after all. He was a very respectable 5.28 lbs at 16 weeks, and now at 17 weeks is heavier than the biggest of the very nice big German New Hampshire boys, and he's most certainly top of the pecking order. Thought I'd share a photo. His name is Chunky Monkey. (Caught him here immediately pre-crow). There's some molting going on, but he doesn't look too bad. My favorite part is the black spots on his beak. :D If I decide to breed from him I have one black and three blue pullets to put him with - as well as some cream legbar girls for olive eggers. (If I don't, he still seems to have the makings of a great protector for one of my "families".) - Ant Farm
Handsome and stately!
This year I m going to work on adding the hackles on the girls.
Chooks Man, you seem like our thread expert. We bred our Blue Copper Marans rooster to 2 Blue Copper Marans hens and had a hatch of 3 (?)Roos and 4 pullets about 12 weeks ago. If I post some photos would you give me your thoughts? I know it's difficult from photos, but we only know 1 other person over here with Marans and they are interested in black only. One we believe is rooster but doesn't quite look like the two other Roos but doesn't look like the pullets either. I know people are actively working on creating a standard, and we can get the information but I would appreciate someone else's eyes on them, especially person that is knowledgeable in their breeding.
Chooks Man, you seem like our thread expert. We bred our Blue Copper Marans rooster to 2 Blue Copper Marans hens and had a hatch of 3 (?)Roos and 4 pullets about 12 weeks ago. If I post some photos would you give me your thoughts? I know it's difficult from photos, but we only know 1 other person over here with Marans and they are interested in black only.
One we believe is rooster but doesn't quite look like the two other Roos but doesn't look like the pullets either.
I know people are actively working on creating a standard, and we can get the information but I would appreciate someone else's eyes on them, especially person that is knowledgeable in their breeding.

yeah you welcome to post i ll comment in it ,no worries .

Always breed a blue to a black to get a great body color result .

i love to see your choks .post a photos of the parent too .so I can see what are they doing ?

chooks man

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