BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

I have some that I got from GFF back in the beginning of April and they have been wonderful birds. I only meant to keep one roo, a blue, but an ugly looking black one hops into my lap and falls asleep routinely.... Fine, he stays and the SPLASH went to the feed store to be someone else's project!!

The blue, almost 20 weeks old now, doesn't have nearly the cream coloring of the other poster. He's just getting some caramel feathers coming out now... I can't wait to see how he will feather out in the end!!
Hank, my "ugly" one (Honey is his sweet girl on the left

This is the blue roo- caramel colored feathers

The other blue- I am undecided on whether "she" is a "he" or the other way around! They have similar feather color, and she is getting long tail feathers, but their combs are not equally developed. Here is a picture of them together
Here is Izzy - my only isbar. I ordered orpington eggs and she was part of the package. I had not planned to get Isbars and did not know much about them.

She is hanging with her egg-mates here. I just love her. Soft, gentle, friendly, quiet, and sweet. I want more isbars. Next summer will hatch some eggs.

Has anyone run across any other breed of chicken that is as laid back and calm as this breed? If so,  I'd like to know what it is....serious.

I posted this question on FB Isbar page, but not everyone is involved with FB.

The Isbars take the cake for sure in those areas but Welsummers and Bielefelders come in second and third in my humble opinion. All sweet birds, especially the boys.
I am new to Isbars this summer, and so far I agree based on my one hen. I hear her cooing at night when bedding down with the other chickens. I have never heard a chicken coo like that. Has anyone else heard that with their Isbars? She sounds like a pigeon sort of. Very sweet sound.
If there is anyone in the Northeast Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont that breeds them, I would love to know. Especially if you have an extra roo you might need to find a home for. I am hooked.
I am new to Isbars this summer, and so far I agree based on my one hen. I hear her cooing at night when bedding down with the other chickens. I have never heard a chicken coo like that. Has anyone else heard that with their Isbars? She sounds like a pigeon sort of. Very sweet sound.
If there is anyone in the Northeast Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont that breeds them, I would love to know. Especially if you have an extra roo you might need to find a home for. I am hooked.
Yes, I love the cooing sounds that my Isbars make. It goes so well with the purring that my Black Ameraucanas make in the next coop.

You might try PMing @altair She is in Vermont.
Thanks, KYT! I am in Vermont and just sold my splash rooster last weekend :/ I had used him for a small crop of chicks (about 10) and now need some new blood. He was starting to get a shade aggressive and his fertility wasn't spectacular. I think I have one or two splash cockerel chicks (about 4-weeks) available, sold a couple also last weekend (the only blue).

The chicks I raised were healthy (had one that didn't walk for about a week then it pulled out of it by itself) but the rest are easy keepers. Glad you're hooked! My Isbar hens are superior rangers and pretty reliable layers. And they're also able to be handled, something I'm trying to instill in the chicks.
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I have some that I got from GFF back in the beginning of April and they have been wonderful birds. I only meant to keep one roo, a blue, but an ugly looking black one hops into my lap and falls asleep routinely.... Fine, he stays and the SPLASH went to the feed store to be someone else's project!!

The blue, almost 20 weeks old now, doesn't have nearly the cream coloring of the other poster. He's just getting some caramel feathers coming out now... I can't wait to see how he will feather out in the end!!
Hank, my "ugly" one (Honey is his sweet girl on the left

This is the blue roo- caramel colored feathers

The other blue- I am undecided on whether "she" is a "he" or the other way around! They have similar feather color, and she is getting long tail feathers, but their combs are not equally developed. Here is a picture of them together
Reallly like your Isbars! (your Legbars too BTW)
The Isbars take the cake for sure in those areas but Welsummers and Bielefelders come in second and third in my humble opinion. All sweet birds, especially the boys.
I'll agree on the Isbars but every Welsummer I've ever had (at the time I was just getting hatchery birds) have been stone-cold BITCHES. Bullies, every one, and pecked at me as well.

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