Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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I took pictures of the nice Wyadottes at the show I will have to up load them to my computer latter as I got to run to town. They where Silver Laced and the hen was Res American and beat out two super White Rocks from Indiana one had won Res Champion of a show and Champion Large Fowl. There where some very good quality birds there in the show. Great Light Brahmas from Mr. Neff of Florida his female was second best large fowl.

The wind and the weather was just brutal in the south when it is cold its worse than being up North.
Ugh, now I'm craving ice cream!

Nice to see I'm not the only one subjecting her chickens to hugs
They're so darn huggable!! I mean really!
I actually like the beach, LOL. My mother agrees with you, that it's the most beautiful place on earth, but I find it too dry. On the other hand, I need to be near the ocean, so choices are limited ;P I do think Northern California along the coast is amazing, and the Sierras are amazing. I just gripe 'cause I want to be out of the city

Missed you doing that, but there was a bunch of BYC ladies smooching chickens at teh Fresno show. lol

....... coldern a welldiggers rump
Never heard that one before!

Here's a webinar for those interested in creating a spreadsheet for calculating poultry expenses:
Thing is, I don't want to go out and sell my eggs or anything 'cause I'm not very comfortable around people. My sister wants to buy my eggs, but if I added up all the money she has spent on me in the past, there is no way I'd charge her. My neighbors will be getting eggs for putting up with me (once more birds start to lay) and my mom.... I couldn't ever pay back my mom! So no money coming in, however if I can figure out how to limit expenses, that'd be great! Thanks for the links!
Missed you doing that, but there was a bunch of BYC ladies smooching chickens at teh Fresno show. lol

Oh, that'd actually be fun to see! I'm not terribly comfortable around people, but when they're as strange as I am, it makes it much more fun!!!
Missed you doing that, but there was a bunch of BYC ladies smooching chickens at teh Fresno show.  lol


While I wasn't hugging or smooching any birds, I did have a lively conversation with a stunning (and very proud gander). From the looks of his cage card, he had won every possible thing he was eligible for. Too bad they didn't also have a Mr. Congeniality prize, he would have charmed them into that as well :)

It was a fun show, but a long day. Great to visit with several BYC friends and admire their fantastic birds. (debs_flock) ;)
While I wasn't hugging or smooching any birds, I did have a lively conversation with a stunning (and very proud gander). From the looks of his cage card, he had won every possible thing he was eligible for. Too bad they didn't also have a Mr. Congeniality prize, he would have charmed them into that as well

It was a fun show, but a long day. Great to visit with several BYC friends and admire their fantastic birds. (debs_flock)

He is a hand raised bird and his owner spends a lot of time with him. He beat my goose (mine was res Champ Goose) and she is not nearly as friendly as he is. Actually she doesn't like anyone.....ahahahaha...........those two geese trade off getting all the hardware. The male you were talking to is a sweetheart bird. A lot of times the bigger the bird, the nicer they are and the smaller they are ....they act like my Egyptian goose. She is calm on the cage, but don't even think about talking to Egyptian geese are very deceiving. Many people mistake them for a duck or as small enough to handle easily. That old goose is only 4.5 pounds, but they are incredibly strong and can scare off a bird as big as a swan. Having a tiger by the tail is a good description of what it is like to pick one up. They are very pretty birds though and their behavior when left alone is pretty cool. I'm the alpha in my yards, so I have no problems in every day situations.

I tried to download the spreadsheet but it says it's password protected;
You might try it again. It opened up fine for me. I am currently using Chrome but also have Firefox and switch back and forth between them. Sometimes if I have trouble with something in one browser, I try it with the other and it works.
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