Bobcat caught& killed!- warning graphic pics

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this is such a debatable issue.

but i wouldnt own a fire arm in the first place. guns are made to kill. killing is murder. murder is a prisonable offense.

that and if i WERE to kill something - i would do it humanely. no matter what.
call animal control or some place that could either bring him to a new place or kill him - humanely.
So you plan on killing everything that comes around without knowing if they are the culprit instead of taking the time to better protect the chickens?

No offense, but that's what this post is appearing to state and that is irresponsible. It's senseless killing.

All you are doing is making room for more. There are other ways to deal with potential predators. Fences and dogs do wonders. There are also wildlife officials and organizations who can remove a problem animal without killing it.

People really should respect the life they choose to live among and I can sympathize with your loss. My condolences. That is terrible, but you seem to have this itch to indiscriminately kill and that's disturbing.

Mountain Lions are extinct, but there have been increasing reports of sightings in the past 10 years. I imagine Mountain Lions are still around, though, just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. We are 85% forested and that's a lot of space for them to hide.

We have Bobcat and Lynx as far as big cats.
how do you remove 50 chickens in a pole barn turned chicken coop???


How are bobcats getting into your pole barn?

well its my aunts pole barn really. Chickens kept dissapering and one night when she went to cheak on a noise she heard in the coop and a bobcat was inside.
Haha! Same here. Or maybe mount it in the garage.

Bobcats are just beginning to show up around here, and I personally would not hesitate to take a gun to it if it showed anything more than a passing interest in...well, anything around my property. If it moves on its way, well, then, that's fine. But if I notice it sticking around, I would do the exact same thing. (It was a nice looking critter, by the way! Nice shot.)

BTW, how is shooting it inhumane? Would you rather it be caught in a trap, absolutely terrifed, and then dumped somewhere else to be another person's problem? Or would you rather take a blade to its neck? I mean, come on. Or should we go and join paws with it and sing a happy song? These are WILD ANIMALS, people. If you take priority for them over your property or family, what next?

I mean, this is just my opinion, but still. Sometimes I just really don't understand people.
lacey_94 wrote:

i totally a agree in the meat bird section i have seen post were it show people killing birds,chickens,other poulty but when some one post something on a wild animal ya go crazy,i bet if the bobcat waz butt ugly ya would not be saying a dang thing, about it,

this may be true to some people but not to me. and humane killing would be like a needle.​
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