Bobcat Caught On Camera!

Yeah, it's cattle wire, hardware cloth and chicken wire. I feel pretty confident they are safe, but I still worry! She tried to get them last spring so we a also have a baby monitor set up so we can hear any frantic rustling. She's pretty bold, because all of the backyard lights were on that night. We live in the city (Dallas) so she's used to light pollution...still spooky!
Have you thought about getting a motion sensor sprinkler and setting it up on a timer (water timer on the hose bib) for after dark? Might scare her away.
She's pretty and a good reason for your predator proof housing.
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Vickers58, I am adding this to my list of links to share with new duck people, as a response about the reasons for security. She is beautiful. And she is trying to figure out how to thwart you. Mercy.
here are a few. the frame is two cattle hoops, covered in chicken wire and hardware cloth. This winter we used tarps to keep them from freezing, but this weekend we installed permanent canvas flaps that roll up at the top but with weights in the bottom to hold it down during rain and snow. It is tall enough to stand in, and is open and airy enough to keep smell away!

Nice setup! What type of square footage are you working with? The pen looks clean and the ducks look happy! Love your pool setup.

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